We're Just Simply Not Ment To Be...

Start from the beginning

       Maybe I should just leave. I looked down to see Gracie latched onto my leg hiding her face. She was scared, and I wasn't about to keep her here. I picked her up and walked out the door with out another word to any one. I set her in the back seat and buckled her up. My thoughts were buzzing but I cleared them away to make sure we got home safely. For it to almost be summer in Cali, we were having some really rainy weather. Pulling into my own drive way had to be one of the best feelings in the world. I quickly got Gracie in the house and told her to take a bath. I went to my room and left my door open. I sat on my bed and pulled my necklace out of my T-shirt. It was the same necklace Monte had gotten me years ago. I ran my fingers over the engraved words. "Something I Cannot Forget." Did he actually not forget me, or was this a lie? It seems like he forgot me, he was with her the whole time.

      "Why am I doing this to myself?" I realized that I was just torturing myself with this. I keep letting myself think that he will magically fall in love with me again. Maybe all those hugs meant something to me, but who knows if they meant anything at all to him. I can't keep doing this, I can't keep terrorizing myself. I can barely get myself to do work when he is around.

       The doorbell suddenly brought me out of my thoughts. I slowly got up and let my necklace fall back on my chest. When I stepped out of my room Gracie ran past me to get to her room to get dressed. I chuckled and went to answer the door. I looked through the peep hole and saw a familiar figure with his head down. What is he doing here? He never comes over this late. I opened up and saw Tony Perry standing there with watery eyes and sniffling.

      "Oh my Zeus, Turtle, what's wrong?" His next sentence broke my heart into a thousand pieces.

       "She was cheating on me Vy, she cheated on me the whole time." Was he really talking about Stephanie, the girl he has been with for three years?

        "Oh Tone-tone, come on in, after I tuck Gracie in I'll make you some hot chocolate okay?" He sniffed and nodded as he slowly walked in. I shut the door and looked over to him sitting on the couch hugging my turtle pillow pet that I had gotten for Christmas just 2 years ago.

     After getting Gracie tucked in and getting the hot chocolate started, I went and changed while grabbing two blankets and my favorite boomerang shaped pillow with a smiley face pillow case on it. I placed the stuff on the couch and grabbed the hot cocoa. I gave Tony his mug and sat down next to him.

     "So what happened Tone-Tone?" He shifted to where he was sitting facing me with his legs crossed, I turned and did the same.

      "Well after me and the guys left from Gracie's party, I went over to Mike's house to practice for a bit. It was six by the time I left. I kept having this bad feeling in my stomach the whole time but I kept ignoring it, but as I got closer and closer to my house, the feeling got worse and worse. I walked through the front door calling for Steph thinking that she was hurt or something, but she didn't answer, instead I heard noises up stairs." He took a drink of his cocoa and set the mug down so he could wrap a blanket around himself. "I decided that I should go upstairs seeing what was going on. I - I opened the bedroom door and saw her and this guy laying naked on my bed. A-And He was on top of her." I didn't want to hear anymore I just sat my cup down and pulled him close to me so I could hug him. After everything that Tony has been through, he didn't need to be cheated on, he didn't deserve it. He has depression and can barely wake up in the morning without wanting to just be alone thinking that he's just a waste of space, why would she do that to him? Why did she have to do that to Tony?

     He was crying into my shoulder soaking my shirt, but that didn't matter to me.

    "Tony, please look at me." He sat up and looked at me in the eyes, eager to hear what I had to say. "Tony, you are sweet, smart, talented and good looking. You could get ANYBODY you wanted, and believe me when I say that you didn't deserve that. She doesn't know what she just lost." His smile stretched across his face while he tucked his Jedi braid behind his ear.

     "You really think so Violet?" His eyes glisened from all the tears that he had shed, his nose was red and his cheeks were tear stained.

    "I KNOW so Tony." He hugged me tightly and sat back in his seat.

    "Thanks Violet, that really means a lot to me."

    "Hey, I'll always be here for you turtle, you know that."

    "Yeah, I know."

    "Did you want to spend the night?" He thought for a moment but quickly came to a conclusion.

     "Nah, I think I'm gonna go back to Mike's house. you've done enough for me as it is, plus, I kinda need to tell him something." I smiled and just simply nodded my head.

     "Okay Tone, but if you need anything, call me."

     "Will do Violet." He got up and put his mug in the sink, giving me a hug before he left. Right when I was done putting up the blankets and pillows there was another knock on the door. I opened it with out looking only to see an angry looking Monte. Sweet baby Zeus, what did I do now?

     "What the hell was he doing here?" I sat there dumb struck for a minute before I realized he was talking about Tony.

     "Tony? he was here because he just found out his girlfriend of three years was cheating on him." The look on his face never faultered, he was furious and nothing was going to change his mind.

      "Well why did he have to come here, why couldn't he have gone to one of his friends house?" Now, I don't know what it sounded like to someone who isn't in the situation, but to me in sound like he's jealous. He has no right to be though, he's not my boyfriend, I mean, I understand if he was just worried for Gracies sake, but he knows that I've known Tony longer than I've known him.

    "He did come to one of his friends, me. I've known Tony since I was twelve, you know that, I get that you could be a little concerned for Gracie, but She's known Tony since the day she was born, and I don't let anybody around her that I don't trust." He was about to start a war, I can just FEEL it.

      "Well to be honest Violet, you don't really have the best judge of character." ...........WHAT DID HE JUST SAY? Okay, fine, he was to throw low blows, I will too, lets fight fire with fire.

      "Well obviously since I trusted you." The look on his face said it all, he was pissed now.

     "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" The angry, venom laced tone never faltered.

    "What the hell do you think it supposed to mean? I trusted you and you used me. You cheated on me, even after all the shit that we had been through you fucking hurt me. I didn't want to trust you, I didn't even want to be friends with you, but you wouldn't leave me alone. You kept poking and prodding until you got your way. I knew you were going to be just like them, and for the sake of you I tried to push that thought away, but the day I walked in on you and her making out in that closet, then you tried to pick me up not even twenty minutes later, THEN you have the audacity to show up with her at your house when you knew that your band mates where gonna be there. What the hell were you gonna tell them Monte? 'Oh hey guys this is Brittney, the girl that my brother and Violet caught me making out with in a closet!' Is that what you would have said? You don't know what that was like, yeah she might have cheated on you, but she wasn't your first love, or your first ever date, or your first kiss, or your first time, she was only the first person to cheat on you. The only problem with that is instead of being upset with her, you are screaming at me about one of my best friends being over here because his girlfriend of three years cheated on him. I'm not doing anything wrong, but I always get hurt? Tell me, why is that?"

    I had no clue where any of that had came from, but it all came pouring out, all the emotions from the past eight years came tumbling out of my mouth. He sat there with a blank expression on his face and no emotion what so ever.

    "Violet, I don't know what to say."His tone was weak now, he was finished being a cocky ass hole and realized what had just went down. He didn't have to know, because I already knew what I was going to do.

   "Don't say anything, just go home, I'll bring Gracie by after school on Friday. Until then, good-bye Monte." I opened the door and let him out, quietly shouting it behind him. Heading back to my room I kept telling myself.

"We're just simply not meant to be."

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