🎃☁️ Shouto/Ghost!Deku: One Last Wish

Start from the beginning

"He... never stopped trying..." The microphone echoed with a choked back sob. "No matter how bad things got for him..."

"Kacchan..." He had never seen his friend so broken up before, but there he stood before him, white knuckles clutching onto the wooden podium to hide his shaking, perhaps even in an attempt to hold himself together.

"DAMMIT DEKU!" His boisterous roar made the microphone whir and screech. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO ALWAYS BE THERE TO CHEER ME ON!" He covered his face with his arm. "BUT YOU LIED AND NOW YOU'RE GONE!" A few people gathered and forced him away from the microphone, dragging him kicking and screaming his head off.

"...Gone?" Izuku repeated solemnly once Katsuki had been pinned back in his seat by All Might's heavy comforting hands on his shoulders. "But I'm right here..." He reached out to wipe away his best friend's tears and failed, hand phasing through again.


Now it hit him, and the memories of what happened earlier that day flooded his mind. "But... that villain..." The puzzle pieces all snapped together suddenly. This was a memorial for him, honoring his memory. He took one last look at his own photograph, falling to his knees when the realization set in.

"Am I... dead..."


Shouto's father had taken him down the back streets, a sly way to avoid the masses until he made an appearance. Around him lay charred rubble and debris, the aftermath of the attack today. The villain had certainly left a considerable amount of collateral damage to the city. Shouto grimaced at the ground, thinking it was terribly morbid that the ceremony was held so close to the location where the accident occurred. 'Couldn't they have held it at a nicer place like a cemetery or something?' Out of the corner of his eye he spotted something on the ground...


Midoriya, teary-eyed and distraught, flew over the crowd, trying to find any way to get back to his loved ones. He needed to communicate with them if he could. "My notebook!" He paused before reaching for it, knowing there was no way he would be able to touch it, being a ghost and all. He frowned, feeling helpless, but bent down anyway. He gasped when he actually brushed it with his fingertips, the texture of tattered parchment a shocking relief to his previous intangibility. "Why... can I touch this of all things? Is it... because it's mine?" He knelt on the ground, flipping through the pages. "I wonder if I can write a message!" Luckily, he found a pen still on his person, since he was still wearing his school uniform from earlier that day. "Uh... is this a ghost pen now?" But he put his burning questions on the back burner, flipping the book open to a blank page. Across the two pages, he wrote in large black print: "HELP!"

Shouto's eyes went wide when the notebook on the ground opened before him, words appearing on the page as if through thin air, obviously by someone who was invisible.

"...Hello?" He spoke to the person, expecting that perhaps it was just someone with an invisibility quirk.

"Ah!" Midoriya jumped, noticing the unfamiliar figure standing behind him. "Yes! Hello! Can you hear me?!" But the split-haired boy only furrowed his brows, reaching down to pick up the notebook. "W-wait!" Todoroki looked at the front of the book and felt a pang of significance upon seeing the cover.

 "W-wait!" Todoroki looked at the front of the book and felt a pang of significance upon seeing the cover

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