🎃☁️ *Destination Fluffery Part 3: A Wardrobe Crisis

Start bij het begin

"I'm sorry." He said, shrinking away slightly.

"Little Deku!" You pulled him into your arms and started scratching his ears just the way he likes. His purr resounded loudly in front of the other Nekos, and it flustered him terribly.

"Ah- um..." He squirmed, which was out of the norm for him. Usually he would immediately get comfortable and fall asleep in your arms. "Y-you have... v-very pretty ears..." He spluttered, turning red, as if what he just said to you was the most out of line thing to ever dawn his lips. "Can I- erm..." He shifted until he was straddling your legs, face an inch from yours. He huffed in determination, nuzzling your face the way Shouto had, but only for a fraction of an instant. But just as quickly as his bravery came, it disappeared again, and he ran away, tail swishing erratically.

During this whole ordeal, you had caught Kacchan occasionally glancing in your direction. He almost tricked you into believing he was the only aloof Neko to not notice your presence. Almost... It was quite a convincing act until you smiled at him and he quickly snapped his head the other way, blushing slightly. He pouted his lips when you chuckled, arching his back in a falsely calm stretch.

"Hey." He growled low, waiting until your eyes were on him again before he crouched in a pouncing position. "Look." And his agile strength rocketed him from the floor to the top of the bookshelf by the window. He grinned wide, obviously very proud of himself.

"Show off..." Sparky grumbled, blonde tail swishing as he plopped his chin on your knee. You massaged his ears until he sighed, mouth hanging open in a state of comforted bliss. He was known for making the derpiest faces when he was really happy, or even when he was over-exerted from too much playtime with Kiri. Speaking of which, the little red friend peeked over your other knee, wanting a cut of your coveted attention.

"One second, guys." You patted their heads. "I need to get myself a scone."

"I'll bring it!" Kiri blurted with excitement.

"Hey! She sent me to get it!"


"Don't fight, boys." The barista spoke up. "You know I can't trust either of you not to eat it." You chuckled at the likely truth of that.

"Aw! Come on, master!" Sparky whined.

"Yeah! You can trust us!" His spikey red hair bounced with impatience.

"Nope. Sorry. You've had several chances." She asserted. "Tamaki. C'mere!" You gasped when the obedient shy boy abruptly emerged from under the coffee table. 'Has he been under there this whole time?!'

"Take this scone to F/N." She said, laying it on a napkin atop the counter, turning her back to grab a bag to put it in. To your dismay, the boy took it in his mouth and brought it towards you.

"Uh..." You made a face and the barista tried to muffle a laugh. You paused for a moment, making the long-eared Neko wonder if he did something wrong. His insecurity showed on his face so you took the scone. They all watched, and you were forced to take a bite of the moist pastry to avoid hurting his feelings. The worker held up a gift card in the air and you nodded, realizing she would give you store credit and replace the scone as soon as the Nekos' scrutinizing gazes were off you. You thanked Tamaki with a smile. He gifted you two pats to his sleek hair before he retreated from your reach, finding a comfortable seat near the window. You placed the scone on the end table, allowing Kiri and Sparky to continue vying for your attention.

"So you're new here, right?" Sparky beamed.

"Uh... Sort of..." You really figured they ought to know your scent by now, but it seemed that their eyes tricked their minds into believing you were a stranger. 'Silly things....'

"Now that you're here, that means you'll stay forever and ever, right?!" Kiri's toothy smile was blinding.


"Stay forever and ever!" He asserted, making you laugh openly. This continued a while, and even Little Deku had the bravery to return to you before you finished your coffee. You asked for a to-go bag for the soiled scone so Tamaki wouldn't be upset that you didn't eat it. He was a sensitive one.

"Well..." You stood, with great difficulty, as they were still surrounding you from every angle. "I should probably get going."

"NOOOO!!!" A resounding collection of voices echoed the room.

"Uh... How about if I promise to come back tomorrow..." That was the only thing you could say to assuage their grief. As much as you hated to admit it, it warmed your heart to see how sad they were to see you leave. "See you soon, dears." You backed out the door, opening it just enough to slip through. Unfortunately, your fake tail got caught on the way, falling to the floor of the Fluffery.

All the Nekos' eyes went wide, and you were met with a cumulative lamenting ear-shattering:


I drew a puppy Mirio and a Neko Tamaki. 

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And the one below is by MaryLee126

Deze afbeelding leeft onze inhoudsrichtlijnen niet na. Verwijder de afbeelding of upload een andere om verder te gaan met publiceren.

And the one below is by MaryLee126. Thanks so much for letting me use your awesome art!

 Thanks so much for letting me use your awesome art!

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