🎃☁️Katsuki x Reader: The Hunted

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Suddenly you were brought back to reality when a collection of horrified screams filled your eardrums. You bolted into the ballroom only to see a crowd of mayhem, shrieking and running in all directions. The overhead lights had been shattered, leaving broken glass scattered across the dance floor. Once your eyes adjusted to only the moonlight, you were able to make out shapes of large unfamiliar creatures.

"Villains?!" Backed against a wall, you felt something warm and large brush your leg. 'A tail?' The shadow turned and you were face to face with a massive lion. Petrified, you froze, praying you wouldn't be noticed by it. But it must have smelled your fear, for it turned, looked you right in the eyes, and roared. You cringed against the wall, waiting to be eaten, but you weren't. You peeked your eyes open to notice the lion giving you an almost-human expression. "Uh..." But then you looked even closer. 'Those green eyes...' "M-Midoriya?!" He gave a low grunt in response.


"Mina! Be careful! We don't know what he's capable of!" You warned her, unsure if Midoriya's docile personality or the carnivorous beast inside would take hold.

"He says he doesn't know what happened. The lights went out and everything changed."

"Wait, how do you know that?"

"He just said that."

"You can understand him?!"

"You can't?" She tilted her head at you.

"What the- oh yeah! You're freaking Snow White, that's why! She can talk to animals."


"I think everyone... turned into the costumes they were wearing...."

"What?! Seriously?!" Her jaw dropped, and she realized you were right. Another few panicked people flew by you, screams piercing your ears.

"What are they running from- AHH!" The entire snack table flew from one side of the gymnasium to the other, crashing into the wall with a large bang. It was lucky that nobody was in the line of fire... but... what on earth could have thrown a table with that amount of force?! The three of you peered around the corner, seeing a hairy, muscled creature lurking.

"What... is that..." The monstrosity's ear twitched at the sound of your voice and you were met by shining blood red eyes, menacing and lethal. "Oh my God, it's Katsuki!" He crouched, creeping closer with bared teeth shining in the moonlight. His eyes were locked on yours and yours alone. You took slow steps backward, afraid sudden sounds or movements would trigger the beast. "Why... is he staring at me..."

"You're little red riding hood." Mina kept her voice hushed. "You're his target..." You felt your throat tighten with fear.

"K-katsuki..." You voice quaked and your mouth became dry as a desert. "Is that you in there?" The wolf-like creature showed no signs of understanding, making this situation all the more dire. You turned to glance at your lion-friend. "Midoriya... can you fight him?" As large as Midoriya's full-size lion form was, werewolf Katsuki still dwarfed him by a sizeable margin. Despite this fact, you remembered Midoriya besting Bakugou in a fight once before and believed he still stood a chance. A few unintelligible grunts were his response.

"He said he can't... he's too afraid..."

You gawked at him, noticing his full body trembling, tail tucked between his legs.

"Oh right, you're the cowardly lion. Goddammit..." It would have been in Izuku's nature to stay and fight for the rest, but somehow the spell that gripped the school prevented his bravery from shining through. Katsuki gripped his claws into the ground, the sheer force of it cracking the flooring beneath him. You recognized that stance: Katsuki was ready to pounce. A loud roar echoed your ears, getting your attention. Judging by his position, you didn't need Mina to translate. You climbed on his back and he darted through the exit doors, furry paws nearly slipping when he cut a corner too quickly in the tile hallway.

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