May 31st, 2012

365 5 1

Okay so I dumped Scott;; 

After we got home from the mall my mom told me that Phil, one of Scott’s older brothers, said he never hit his head. Red flag number one, I was already not sure what I wanted to do, but while I was trying to figure out what was going on, I found out that he’d been cheating on me. 

That’s when I dumped him. He was going on and on about ‘if you really cared about me you’d wait for me to decide!’ Fuck you, I shouldn’t have to convince someone to be with me, nor should I have to wait, and I’m not going to. So I dumped him.

He sent me messages trying to make me feel like shit, like I did something wrong, trying to get me to argue with him. Blocked him on FB, Skype, if he keeps called and texting I’ll block his number as well.

I’m better than this, and I deserve better and I won’t have someone cheating, I’m not gonna share or fucking wait around. I don’t need him. He can take his other girl and fuck off. 

I'm okay, pissed, but okay. I saw this coming, honestly.. 

We're packing up our house, we're moving now! So I'll keep you guys updated with that, I hate packing. pffft

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