April 10, 2012

409 5 4

So, 51 days without cutting. Do I win yet? Yes, no, okay. I just wanted provide with with an update via the staying clean front, and it's going well, gets easier...then not so easy. But I'm still fighting really fucking hard for this, for my life. You guys help me stay clean because I know that there are lots of people pulling for me, that believe in me and I can never say thank you enough.

Now that that's out of the way...

Please allow me to shamelessly fanboy over Prince Zuko, I have the biggest crush on him okay, even more so as the seasons go on, leave me alone okay. 

Also, I want a Sky Bison


and Momo

But mostly just Prince Zuko, oh don't look at me like that. Look at me in the face and tell me you've never had a crush on an animated character.

Oop you blinked.

I win.


and again ha

I'm transgender, and I like boys.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum