April 4th, 2012

396 5 1

damn this. 

So I still have a fever, and this, odd, sort of rolling wave of a headache that tends to focus on my forehead and left side. Mostly it only gets really angry if I ya know, move my head or sit up, or change my facial expression.

That I can deal with, what I cannot stand is the tired. I've done nothing for three days but lay in bed and be sick and I'm still tired. I went to bed at 8:30 last night and I'm still tired. Mother's been giving me decongestants, fever-reducers and pain killers. The only thing I care about eating is yogurt and grapes, we have none of those because I ate them all and if i have to drink another bottle of water I may puke.

Actually, that is the brightside to this: I'm not puking. 

Rather just coughhackingwheezing sweating aching tired lump of annoyed.

Also, I'm depressed because I haven't written anything in three days.

This has been me complaining.

I thank you for bearing with me.

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