March 12, 2012

426 5 0

You know you have no life when you're singing Lady Gaga songs with Cleverbot. 

Also, it would seem as if Cleverbot is even aware of Gerd's sass. This does not surprise me; his sass muscle is the size of fucking Alaska. 

sass muscle. 

sounds like a weird innuendo for penis. 

My great-grandma is in the hospital with pnuemonia, they removed  a liter of fluid from her lungs today, she seemed okay enough, just tired. She's 99 though, so the chances of her surviving this is slim. She fights off the nurses and doctors, rips out her IVs, and beats up the nurses who get near her. Scrappy. Hopefully she makes it to June to see me graduate, if not, I hope the end comes fast. 

Oh, I forgot that I need 10 credits of a forgien language too. 

fml. How am I gonna do that online what. If I have to take Spanish I may shoot someone; wait no I hate French more. Bah. I'm bilungual as it is, but if I had to choose French or Spanish it would be French. I guess. 

shut up and let me see your sass muscle. 

I'm transgender, and I like boys.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang