April 5th, 2012

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Ya know, I don't think falling in love is really all that hard. People just make it into this game because they're afraid of getting hurt. They don't trust anyone, how can you fall in love if you don't  trust. What I don't get is why it's easier to have sex with someone than it is to love them. That takes trust too, but people are more worried about getting thier feelings hurt than their flesh. I can understand that. What I don't understand is why people don't reallize that you have to take risks sometimes to make things happen; you can't just wait for it on your own and hope things change on thier own. Because they won't. Sometimes you have to get the ball rolling, take a risk. It's scary but it's worth it.

 Because at least, then you know. And people like answers, especially to this.

I mean, I took a risk with you, contacting you and I was really nervous, but it paid off. Even if it doesn't work out, at least you know. At least you tried your best. I think that's what scares people too; thier best not being enough. But there's always gonna be someone that thinks your best is the greatest thing ever. That you're the greatest thing ever. People want to feel beautiful, special. They want to feel like all of this has been worth it; that there's been more happiness than sadness in life. I think it's possible for that to happen. You just gotta...make the happiness.

I'm transgender, and I like boys.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt