January 15th, 2012

600 11 0

I know some things thatcha don't


Did you know that elephants are the only land mamal tht can't jump?

And that the death of JFK overshadowed the death of C.S. Lewis?

Today, well, I don't really know how I feel. I'm having issues with my computer, and my father needs to get off his butt and come look at this so I can stop freaking about losing everything I have saved on this thing.

I was going to talk about what a period is like for a transguy, but I think yesterday's entry sums it up pretty well.  And, I'm trying not to think about it. It makes me suicidal, honestly.

I get to buy a copy of The Dove Keeper. I've mentioned this book before, it's back there...somewhere. Anyway, yes I finally get a copy I can read whenever I want. Hnnggg.

I also got a shit load of new books, including Looking For Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, Twisted, Just In Case, Dreamland, two books from the Coffessions of Georgia Nicholeson, and more. As well as a Thesaurus for my birthday. I still have $129 in money, $30 of which is going to The Dove Keeper. Totally fucking worth it, okay.

I don't care what you fucking say.

I'm providing an image of what my bed looks like at the moment, so yes, that is my bed. Where no magic happens, and I like it that way.

 In other news

cat related news, to be specific, my second cat, Stanley who has been AWOL for the past many months is alive. There has been a sighting! I plan to go and find him tomorrow since I won't be able to get any fucking cats to come to me since it's raining.

Well, it's more of a California type rain which is just sprinkling, a piss ant excuse for rain, but something tells me that's all I'm gonna get for a while. Hohum pigs bum.

 We [my mother's side of the family] is going out to Ruby's Diner, a 50's themed resturaunt on the pier of Hunington Beach tomorrow for my grandma's birthday. Ruby's has the most ace shakes, really good food in general, and I love the beach. Well...when it's not crowed and too hot. I like the beach at night.

For most SoCal residents, the smell of the salt, the waves. it's a drug. It really is. But if I had to choose which beaches I love the most - San Diego, near Mission Bay. The water is FREEZING, it's always cloudy and it's just fucking fantastic.

I'm going to go work on my other stuff now.




If you love me, you will read Fennix.

You don't love me, I see how it is.

I am on the rack of luurrrrve.

- Jor 


I'm transgender, and I like boys.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz