Feb 8th, 2012

447 6 3

Oh my god!

Okay, lately I've been bitching about my computer and how it doesn't work, right? Right [and I'm sorry about that, I am] but my dad stopped by, and he told me to unplug my tower, and I did. Hoonestly I was a little stressed out by how he jjust came by with any warning, but he does that sometimes.

Anyway, so after he carts off my  tower, I'm sitting in the front room with my phone, watching Friends, when suddenly he hands me this box and says it's a birthday present...

Inside this box, is a beautiful, brand new Toshiba laptop with Windows 7, a webcam. My own laptop! I don't have to wait for someone to give me a password, I won't get in trouble for using it, and I can finally sit with my family and still surf the interwebs, or blog, or write! I'm in schock, sitll. 

But the story of how this was possible is basically, my Dad was telling his friend at work about how I need a computer for school and my desktop was acting weird and he wasn't sure what he could do about it. So his friend, he hands my dad $400 dollars and says 'Get her a computer'. So my father's friend, home I've never met basically bought me this laptop for school.

I feel bad about having it, though, because Erin, one of my sisters, her laptop screen in broken, and she can't use it. Now, here my dad hands me a brand new laptop. I saw her crying a little bit...I told her she can use it whenever she wants but she just shook me off. 

Idk man.

But holy fucking shit my own laptop.

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