April 9th, 2012

389 5 0





nerdy man

thank you for all you've done for me, and for all the fans. You've always been there for me, when no one else was. You really have saved my life; in times were I was ready to swallow the bottle of pills, dig the knife into my my skin, I hear you whisper Keep Running and I know I can make it through anything.

You've helped me save myself, you overcoming your addictions has helped me battle mine, and I know that if you can get better, I can too.

I probably won't ever meet you, or see you play live, but I want you to know that you've done so much for me, you inspire me, you let me know it's okay to keep on living.

You make me feel strong enough, smart enough, pretty enough...good enough.

You don't even know my name, but I just want you to know that I'll be there for you until the very end. 

Happy Birthday, Gerard.

With much love, admiation, and joy,


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