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I walked around the ark cautiously. Everyone was listening. We had to watch our steps. I knew if I was caught something would happen to me. I finally reached the door and walked inside.

"What's happening?" I walked over to Kane.

"They found a grounder boy. Octavia is working on it." He told me.

Pike had sent some people out to search the area. Octavia had followed just in case of a situation like this.

"Kane?" Octavias voice cut through the box.

"I'm here. You okay?" He asked.

"You need to find out what pike is up to. Right now. Whatever it is, they were willing to kill a kid to keep it quiet."

"Alright. We're on it. You stay safe."

Kane put the walkie down.

"What are we going to do?" I asked him.

"We need as much information as we can possibly get."

"No I cant do that." I said once I realized what he wanted from me.

"It may be the only way, Bellamy will see that one day."

"I can't go behind his back like that." I shook my head.

"You said Gina wanted you to protect him, this may be the only way." He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"And if I lose him in the process?"

"You won't lose each other, you two care for each other too much to lose."

"What do you need me to do?"

"I need you to make Pike believe that you are on his side. Bellamy will vouch for you so it would be easy for you to get on the guard with him. Pike can not know that you are working against him. This is the only way to stop a war from happening."

"If Pike finds out I will die."

"Then don't get caught." He stood up, " I have to find Miller, we have to get into his room so we can listen in on him. You get to work on your side."

"Good luck." I whispered as he left the room.

Once his figure was gone I stepped out. Pike and Bellamy should be having their normal meeting, so I went straight in the direction of their room. I stopped in front of the door and took a deep breath. It's for Bellamy, I told myself, it is just a small lie to protect him and the others I care about. As I stood there the door opened.

"Oh hello Alex," Pike gave a small smile, "Bellamy is just inside. I was just leaving to my room so I will need him back in a few minutes." He began to walk past me.

I caught up with him and stopped him, "Actually I was here to see you."

"You were? " Bellamy stepped into view with his arms crossed and eyebrows raised.

"I mean you're a bonus, but I was here to see the Chancellor." I looked away from Bellamy.

"What can I do for you?" He crossed his arms.

"I wanted to join the guard."

"I thought you didn't agree with us." Bellamy countered.

"I don't, I don't want to kill people."

"Then why are you here?" Pike questioned.

"I said I didn't want to kill people but it wouldn't be the first time. When we first landed everyone I cared about was behind a set of walls, when we were being attached I fought for them. Now we are in the same situation. Everyone I care about are behind those walls," I pointed outside, "except for John who is god knows where and Octavia who is with the one person I dislike the most in this world. If this is what it takes to save the people I care about, I will do it." I looked back to Bellamy who listened to every word.

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