Shooting Star

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I woke up to the sound of the group talking outside.

"Check it out!" One said.

"Bellamy, get out here!" Another yelled.

I got up from my makeshift bed and walked outside. Bellamy was doing the same thing, except he was shirtless.

"There." The boy pointed to the sky.

I averted my gaze and looked up. It looked like a shooting star, but it wasn't. It was a piece of the ark. Two girls wrapped in a blanket walked out of Bellamys tent. Well, that's really appropriate. He has some messed up ways of dealing with things.

"They're coming to help us. Now we can kick some grounder ass." Jones laughed.

I scoffed, "Like they want to help us and we can kick their asses on our own."

"Please tell me they brought down some shampoo." Roma, one of the girls from Bellamys tent, spoke.

"I think shampoo is the least of our worries." I told the girl.

The group went into their tents, changed, and grabbed their weapons.

"If it cleared the ridge it's probably near the lake." A boy told us. We were now gathered in a tent.

"We should get moving." Octavia came up to us. "Everyone's ready."

"Nobody is going anywhere. Not while it's dark, it isn't safe. We'll head out at first light. Spread the word." Bellamy told the last part to the boy. He nodded and exited the tent. I stared at him, that was a stupid reason.

"Everyone for a hundred miles saw that thing come down. What if the grounders get to it first? Bell we should go now." Octavia blocked Bellamys exit when he tried to leave.

"I said we wait till sunrise." Bellamy glared down at her.

He pushed past his sister and walked away.

"What is his problem?" Octavia glanced at me.

"Its the Ark, I guess it makes him crazy sometimes. He will come around eventually." I offered.

I went into my tent and found some of my weapons that I had accumulated. I put a few knives in my belt buckle and pulled the spear from under my bed. I walked back outside. Most everyone was busy talking with their friends about what they hoped was inside the pod.

"Looks like everyone's up." Finns voice stopped me.

I turned around to see him talking to Clarke. We had grown closer over the past few days. We talked about nothing in particular, we just learned about each other. He put on the protective brother suit when he was around me, but around Clarke it was worse. He was at her side almost every second of the day.

I started walking past the two but Finn pulled me back.

"Where are you going?" He questioned.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm going for a walk." I pulled my arm away and continued walking.

I walked quickly, if Bellamy knew I had snuck out I don't think he would like it too well. I just wanted to see what was in the pod.

The sun was starting to rise when I heard voices. I ducked behind a tree and saw it was Octavia and Bellamy.

"I did this for you! To protect you! If the ark finds out we're alive, they'll come down. And when they do... I'm dead." Bellamy was screaming at Octavia.

"What did you do?" Octavia questioned him.

"I shot him... I shot Jaha." Bellamy finally said.

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