After Death

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Third Person POV

They did it. They blew up the bridge.

Everyone was getting better after the whole sickness came through. Well, not everybody. Alex was still in the drop ship. She wasn't doing too well. Everyone could tell Bellamy was a little on edge. She was his Princess, after all. Nobody knew if she would make it through the night, even Clarke was optimistic. Finn still wasn't back yet, he may not get to say goodbye to his sister.

Bellamy went inside the drop ship, leaving the rest of the 100 outside to see the mushroom cloud.

Bellamy stood by the girls side. Her normally tan skin, now drained of color. She was cold to the touch. Like touching death itself. She was weak and Bellamy could see that, but she still talked to him. He didn't want to believe that she was dying. She just couldn't be. She had to get better.

"They did it. They blew up the bridge." Bellamy told the girl.

"Bellamy if I die..." She whispered softly.

"You are not going to die. I already told you." He watched her with sad eyes.

"Let me talk." She put her hand on his, which was resting on the side of the hammock. "If I die I want you to know that you helped me realize what it was like to have a family. I had nobody before I came down here and now I have everything I could want. I have a family and a home. Watch over Finn for me too. If I die, don't kill Murphy, give him another chance. He has been through a lot. And don't be too hard on Octavia. And make sure Clarke doesn't kill anybody." I took a deep breathe as I saw a tear run down his face, "Tell Monty and Jasper to make moonshine for everyone. Throw a grand party if I die. Tell Octavia that she is awesome and I'm happy to consider her a friend. If my brother doesn't make it back in time, tell him I'm sorry and I wish I could have said goodbye."

He could see the light leaving her eyes. He could see her losing the fight against life and death.

"Come on princess, you cant die on us." Bellamy gripped her cold hand.

"Sorry Freckles, I cant help it." She whispered, "May we meet again."

With those last four words leaving her mouth, her eyes shut.

"Clarke! Clarke!" Bellamy lifted the girl from the hammock and laid her on the ground.

"What?" Clarke rushed into the room, "Oh my god."

"Do something!" Bellamy screamed at her.

"Uhh." Clarke thought for a second, "Move out of the way."

Bellamy backed away from the girl. Her cold body, unmoving. The breathe of life, gone. Clarke started to perform CPR. Trying to revive the dead girl.

"Come on. Come on." Bellamy whispered to himself. "We can't lose you too."

"They're back!" The kids started yelling outside.

Finn entered with Raven by his side. Another person infected by the sickness.

Finn stopped when he saw his sister.

"Alex?" His voice cracked.

"You should have been here for her." Bellamys voice was barely audible to him, "She was asking for you and you wasnt here."

Finn sat Raven in a hammock and rushed to his sisters side.

"No,no,no, no." Finn repeated.

Bellamy watched Clarke try and save the girl. Not just any girl, their co-leader. The one who helped keep everything running smoothly and kept everyone, for the most part, sane.

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