Empty Cell

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Grey walls. A metallic smell. The humming of electricity. Cold metal. Tattered clothes. Loneliness.

That's all I know. I have been in this cell my whole life, well besides when I was cared for as a baby. I never got visitors. I never interacted with people my own age. I had no one. At least when I turned 18 I would be rid of this place. Once I turn 18 I will most likely be floated, due to my crimes. Which is mostly stupid since I didn't do anything. The only reason I was in here was because I was a twin. On the Ark you were only allowed one child, so when I was born I was taken away.

I had asked Jaha once,when he was bringing me new clothes, what had happened. He told me that me and my brother were born around the same time so they made my parents choose between the two of us. They gave them an hour to decide, I at least had a family for a hour. When the hour was up they had to hand me over to the council. They got enough time to decide on a name for me. Alex. I was put into a cell once I was old enough. I found out some things I shouldn't know during my time in my cell, but what more could they do to me.

Great right. I guess thats why I have such great social skills. The only time I see people is when someone brings me clothes and food. I used to sneak out through the vents but after I got caught they fixed them so I couldn't leave. I did find out some information the night I was caught. With the help of a kid that I didn't know, I was able to log into the computers and find out about my family. I found out my brother's name. As i was heading back I fell through the vents right in front of Jaha and Kane. Jaha had a softer side for me, he took care of me as a baby. Don't get me wrong though, I still don't like the guy. He took me away from the only family I had, earning him a lifelong hatred. Well that's enough sulking for one day.

I rolled off of my bed, letting my bare feet touch the ground. Everyday when I woke up I would work out a little bit. I mean what else was I suppose to do up here. I done 50 sit ups, 80 push ups, 4 minutes of planks and started doing some pull ups on a bar above my head. I had just gotten through 20 when my door opened up. I jumped to the ground.

"Change into these." A guard threw some new clothes at me.

"Good morning to you too." I said picking up the clothes.

The door slammed and I was once again left alone. The clothes were in good condition, very few holes. I was given some jeans, a pinkish hoodie, a black jacket and some tennis shoes. I touched the soft fabric. These were the first decent clothes that I got in years. Wonder whats the special occasion.

"Prisoner 62, stand at the wall." The same guard came into my room.

"Not even a good morning?" I asked sarcastically walking to the wall.

"Stick out your right arm." I saw him holding some metallic cuff.

"So they dressed me nice for my funeral?" I asked thinking I was going to be floated in just a few hours time. "And here I thought I wasn't special."

The guard grabbed ahold of my wrist and slapped the band around my arm. I felt the sting from something in the band pierce my skin.

"Well that feels great. What are these for anyway?" I stared down at the band around my wrist.

"I'm not authorized to say. You will find out soon enough." He pulled me from the room.

"And here I thought I was special for a moment." All around me kids were being pushed from their cells. All wearing almost the same thing I was. All with matching wrist bands. All like me.

Seeing more people around me almost made me feel giddy. Being alone for such a long time can make you a bit crazy. Then again, everyone is crazy in their own way. The guards holding my shoulders pushed me into a line. I fell in behind a bunch of other teenagers as we walked. I could help but look around and smile at some of the others. They only responded with a look of confusion or fear. Sometimes a mix of the two.

The line moved very slowly. Guards circled us like we were livestock going to slaughter. Which we probably were. Members of the council stood on the sidelines talking in low whispers. One council member kissed a girl on the forehead before she was carried off.

After a short walk we could all see something. Eventually I realized it was a drop ship. Which could only mean they would be sending us somewhere, not floating us. I mean why else would they waste a perfectly good drop ship. Right?

Earth was the only place I could think of. It was the only thing within close proximity, the only problem is it's radiated. Unsurvivable.

Suddenly I was worried and when im worried I sing. I remembered an old song I once heard through the vents. So I lightened the mood of everyone and bursted out in song.

"At first I was afraid, I was petrified," I started quietly.
"Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side," some people saw what I was doing and stared at me.
"But then I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong,
And I grew strong, and I learned how to get along.

And so you're back from outer space.
I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face
I should have changed that stupid lock
I should have made you leave your key
If I had known for just one second you'd be back to bother me" A tall boy with goggles in front of me turned to me and started singing with me.

"Go on now, go. Walk out the door
Just turn around now 'cause you're not welcome anymore
Weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye?
Did you think I'd crumble?
Did you think I'd lay down and die?" I was nearing the doors, when I turned around, still singing, and waved back to the council members.

"Oh, no, not I!
I will survive.
Oh, as long as I know how to love I know I'll stay alive.
I've got all my life to live.
I've got all my love to give.
And I'll survive,
I will survive, hey, hey." With one final look back, I flipped off the remaining guard and council members with smile.


The song is "I will survive" by Gloria Gaynor. I do not own the song.

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