Day Trip

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I couldn't open my eyes at first, everything was so...bright. I rolled onto my side and regreated it instantly. My head was pounding. The worst headache I have ever experienced. I held my held for a few minutes. I couldn't remember anything from last night. The last thing I remember was joining Jasper at the table. I probably done something stupid. Why did I have to listen to Jasper. I should have stayed in my tent or with my brother. I'm going to regret things today.

I stood up and balanced myself. Then I left my tent. Monty was probably in his tent. I walked inside and saw him sitting on his bed.

"Hey Monty," I began.

He handed me a cup in response, "I figured you would be coming to see me at some point today."

I drank the liquid, making my headache subside, "Thanks Monty."

"I'm surprised you came out of your tent at all today. You were drinking a lot last night."

"I can tell. I don't remember anything from last night. Did I do anything stupid?"

"Probably." He laughed.

I frowned and left the tent.

"Hey Princess, finally up?" Bellamy strolled towards me.

"Well I did need my beauty sleep." I rolled my eyes.

"Nah, my good looks have rubbed off of you. But a bath wouldn't be the worst idea." He smirked.

I smacked his shoulder, "You mean my good looks have rubbed off on you." I corrected.

He gave a small laugh, "Whatever you say princess. Clarke wants me and you to go to some supply station and see if we can live there for the winter. You good to go?"

"Just give me five and meet me by the gates." I instructed.

He nodded and left to get his pack. I returned to my tent and grabbed my pack. I stuck a few knives into my shoe and went to grab some rations.

"Hey Alex," Jasper looked up from where he was separating some of the rations.

"Hey Jas," I smiled and grabbed a few bags.

"You going somewhere?"

"Secret mission for Clarke." I walked away and went into my brothers tent.

Clarke was inspecting his wound, while Raven watched every move she made.

"How are you feeling?" I knealed down.

"Weak, bored." Clarke touched his side and he winced, "Grateful to be alive." He added.

"Well if you want to stay that way, you should rest." Clarke told him.

"I'll tie him down if I have to." Raven smiled over to Finn.

"I hope you don't mean that in the way I'm thinking." I shuttered.

"Alex?" Bellamys head stuck into the tent.


"Gotta get going." Bellamy told me and left.

I stood up to leave but Finns hand caught my arm.

"Where are you going?" Finn gave a worried look.

"Clarke is sending us on a mission to find some supply depot."

"It's not safe out there." Finn warned.

"I'll be okay, I'm a big girl. Plus I know how to avoid getting stabbed, unlike some people we know." I sent a smirk at him.

"Just be careful out there."

"Okay, dear brother."

When I exited the tent, I saw octavia sitting inside the drop ship.

"Hey O, what are you doing in here?" I stood in front of her.

"My idiot brother won't let me go upstairs."

I brought my voice to a whisper, "Just so you know me and Bellamy will be out of camp today. Clarke will probably be with my brother. Now would be a good time to do something with that Grounder. But you didn't hear it from me."

She smiled, "Genius."

I smiled back and went to the gate. Bellamy was still getting his rations at the table. He seemed to be taking more than he should.

"You do realize this is only a day trip, right?" I walked up to him.

"A lot can happen in a day." Bellamy shrugged.

"So you're bringing enough food to feed us for what like two weeks?" I took count of the bags.

"Just come on." He threw the bag over his shoulder and walked to the gate. He looked back at Octavia and the camp, then turned away.

"Is everything alright?" I asked when we were away from camp.

"Yea, why wouldn't it be?"

"I don't know, you just seem off today but I don't know why. You looked at camp like it was the last time you would see it and you took way more rations than you should have."

"You never know what's going to happen out here." He ended the conversation.

We started getting closer to the supposed depot.

"So you wanna talk about what happened last night?" Bellamy smirked.

"Oh god, what did I do? I don't remember any of it." I stopped in my tracks.

Bellamy didn't stop and continued walking, "Well you were skipping around camp, I thought you were gonna fight Monty for some moonshine, you took everyone's drinks, you kissed me in the butterfly woods and then you made me give you a piggyback ride to camp."

My breath caught in my throat, "I'm sorry...I what?"

"You mean the kiss? Wasn't that bad this time." Bellamy smirked at me.

I ran to catch up with him.

"I don't remember anything." I blushed, unknowingly.

"I made you embarrassed." He laughed, "I finally made you speechless."

"Dont get used to it Blake." I gave a playful glare, "Now about that piggyback ride."

He lost his smirk, "What about it?"

"I don't remember anything and I have never had a piggyback ride before last night, you know because of the whole no family thing. So you wanna give me another piggyback?" I smiled sweetly.

He sighed, "Don't get used to this princess."

I climbed onto a stump and jumped onto his back, "But why not? It's much more fun and it's better than walking."

"For you, you mean." He started walking.

"It's not that bad. It's fun." I laughed.

I laid my head on his shoulder and let myself relax. A small breeze blew through the trees. The birds let out small chirps. The steady crunch of the leaves beneath Bellamys shoes. It was serene. I closed my eyes and steadied my breathing.

"Are you going to sleep?" Bellamy asked.

"Maybe," I whispered, my voice already sounding sleepy.

He scoffed but didn't say anything else. It was a nice nap.

"Wake up." Bellamys voice awoke me.

As soon as my eyes opened I was tossed to the ground. I landed on the hard ground with a thud.

"That wasn't very nice." I stood up, wiping the dirt from my pants.

"That's for drooling on my neck." He used his shirt to wipe at his neck.

"I do not drool."

"Yes you do, I've got the slobber to prove it."

I shook my head and started walking down the hill to where the bunker Depot was suppost to be.

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