Earth pt.2

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Earth was beautiful. It was so green. It was peaceful. I had managed to get away from everyone by climbing the side of the ship. Luckily the metal had cooled down after the reentry to earth. I looked around me watching everyone, in a non stalkerish kinda way, and enjoyed seeing everyone so happy.

"Hey, hey, hey hand off him. He's with us." A boy spoke.

He had ahold of Jasper arms and pulled him from Jaha juniors hand. The boy who now held jasper seemed angry.

"Relax, we're just trying to figure out where we are." Jaha junior defended.

"We're on the ground. That not good enough for you?" Bellamy joined.

It seemed like the whole camp had surrounded them and now made a circle around the two. I've been itching to see a fight and it looked like I was going to get my wish. Everyone watched the two bicker. Nobody seemed to want to do anything about the argument. Jaha juniors blonde friend watched him closely from the sidelines, while spacewalker stood next to her holding her back so she doesn't join the fight. Bellamy and Octavia stood opposite of them egging the entire thing on.

"You heard my father's message. Mount weather has to be first priority." Jaha junior told the group.

"Screw your father. You think you're in charge here? You and your little princess?" Octavia motioned to the blonde.

I like her already.

"Do you think we care who's in charge?" The blonde spoke, giving me a headache, "How long do you think we will last without supplies? It's a twenty mile treck, if we leave now we should get there by dark."

"I got a better idea. You two go find it for us, let the privilaged do the work for a change." Bellamy spoke.

Everyone agreed with him except the group defending Jahas son.

"You're not listening. We all need to go." The boy spun around to speak to everyone.

"Look at this everybody... Chancellor of Earth." The other boy said with a chuckle.

"Think that's funny?" Jaha junior walked towards him.

Before he could step closer, jaha juniors opponent had kicked his leg out from under him, forcing him to the ground.

"Wells!" The blonde yelled from the side, still being held back by the Spacewalker.

"No, but that was." He stood over Wells.

Some of the kids cheered the boy on. Wells stood back up.

"Come on. Come on." The boy taunted with fake punches.

This is getting pathetic. The kid can't even fight. I jumped off of the top of the ship and landed next to the two. Some of the teenagers stared at me in awe as I put myself between the two.

"Come on boys, no need to fight. At least not right now. Wait till the kid has a fighting chance. Can't fight with one leg." I pushed the two away from each other.

"Thanks," Wells whispered to me.

"Oh don't thank me yet, if you hadn't gotten your leg kicked out I would have let you fight. This probably won't be the last time you two fight. But see ya around Jaha junior." I smiled sweetly and walked away.

The rest of the teenagers dispersed around the forest. Each finding a spot for themselves.

"Who are you?" The boy from the fight ran up to me.

"I'm nobody, who are you?"

"John but everyone calls me Murphy. Don't you have a name?"

"I mean yeah, we all do. But I like being the mysterious girl. Gotta keep everyone a little curious." I smiled at him and walked away.

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