Fighting the battle

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The rover was being loaded with more firepower than I knew what to do with. It was like they planned to kill an entire station, but it was just a village. In a mere few hours I could be standing over the bodies of the grounders and I would have to pretend as though that was what I wanted.

"Are you okay?" Bellamy asked me as he loaded another box.

I stood up from my seat on one of the boxes and started helping him load the vehicle, "Yeah I'm fine, just thinking that's all."

"You don't have to come if you don't want to. We have this under control. Plus you're still healing from the explosion."

"I'll be fine." I put another box in the car.

"That's a lot of firepower." Kane walked towards the vehicle.

"Let's hope we don't need it." Bellamy answered picking up another box.

"What's the mission?" Kane asked.

"Planning for the future." Bellamy said.

"You know that looks a lot like our past."

"We are building a life here. Not trying to make peace with people who only understand war."

"Damn right." Monty's mom said loudly.

Kane left and grabbed her arm.

"Do you really think we will need all this?" I asked Bellamy.

"I hope we don't." He began walking towards one of the cars, "Let's move out."

The doors slammed shut and people climbed into the vehicles. Before I climbed in I caught eyes with Kane, we both gave a silent nod to each other before I jumped in the back.

The drive felt like it was taking forever. The bumpy dirt road made up bounce with every bump.

"Can you not avoid the bumps?" I called to the driver.

Bellamy scoffed in the seat next to me.

"So, beautiful day we're having." I started trying to start a conversation, "They sky is today."

"Good observation." Bellamy nudged me.

"Thank you." I nodded sarcastically.

The day soon turned to night as the drive progressed.

"We're here." someone said as they looked out the window.

"Everyone, weapons at the ready." Bellamy said as he grabbed the door and jumped out of the rover.

I followed close behind with my gun limply lying against my shoulder. I had no intention of killing anybody. I looked around my for any familiar faces other than the ones that had been in the rover. It was all quiet.

"I don't hear anything, maybe nobody's home." Monroe suggested.

We all grouped up around the front of the rover and stared out at the empty camp.

"Hello? Anyone here?" Bellamy was the first to speak out loud.

"Maybe they saw our lights and left." Hannah offered.

"They wouldn't run from us. If anything they would be waiting for us." I whispered to Bellamy, who seemed to be thinking the same thing.

Bellamy motioned for us all to head into the camp. We filed into the camp in a line, each of us now holding onto our guns tightly. The night made it difficult to see around us, the only light we had came from the moon shining brightly above us.

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