Day Trip pt.2

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"I saw in a movie once this thing called sledding. This would be a good hill if we get snow." I stared down at the abandoned town.

"If we live long enough to see it." Bellamy scoffed, "Split up we will cover more ground."

Before I could say anything he was walking away. He was in a mood today. I searched the ground for any sign of the bunker. Maybe it had survived. I slid to the bottom of the hill and searched by the weeds. I kept getting the weird feeling that I was being watched.

"Bellamy, I found it!" I called when my foot hit metal.

He jogged over to me and started pulling on the door.

"Watch your foot." He warned, pulling out his ax.

With a few swings the door was free. He sent a hopeful look towards me.

Everything was covered in dust. The roof was falling and it had a funny smell to it.

"So much for living here." I looked at the decaying body on the steps.

"Heck of a place to die." He went past the body. "Everything down here is ruined."

I watched the water dripping down from the ceiling.

Bellamy continued looking through the containers. He found some glow sticks and lit then up.

"I found some blankets." I opened up a box and revealed many orange blankets.

"Excited about a couple of blankets." Bellamy scoffed.

"Hey, my bed is very uncomfortable and I get cold. This is a plus for me. Not all of us get first choice in supplies." I wrapped myself with one of the blankets, pulling it over my head. "I think orange is my color, what do you think Bell?"

"How about a canteen or a med kit or a decent friken tent!" Bellamy became angry and kicked over a barrel. There was a clammer when the barrel fell.

Bellany reached down to where the barrel had just fallen.

"Holy mother of God." I smiled.

Bellamy held a gun in his hand.

"Ready to become a badass?" He smirked.

"I already am." I smiled, taking the gun.

"Got any more?" Clarkes voice echoed behind me.

I jumped not expecting to hear her talk, "Jesus Clarke, maybe a little warning next time."

Bellamy gave a small laugh and handed Clarke a gun.

"I thought you were staying at camp?" I questioned when my heart beat steadied.

"I prefer being around people I don't necessarily like right now." She answered. "I left Miller in charge."

My stomach started growling when Clarke left to find a target. Bellamy was gonna teach us how to shoot. I pulled out a packet of the nuts that Jasper had been separating and started tossing them into my mouth. Bellamy done the same.

"Clarke isn't going to like us bringing these guns back to camp." I laid on my back and stared up at the ceiling.

"Its Clarke, she will get over it." Bellamy joked. "You should keep her around, she knows what she is doing for the most part."

"Why would I keep her around? You're the leader not me." I sat up and stared at him.

He clenched his jaw and looked away, "Down here we never know what could happen. If something happens to me, you're next in line for the leader."

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