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Everyone started rushing towards the doors. I was lucky enough to have been blessed with the short gene. I easily weaved my way through the crowd and up to the front of the people. There was a guy already standing next to the door. His dark hair was slicked back and his guard uniform stood out. He easily ordered the others to stand away from the door and they complied for the most part since they were so used to being ordered around by guard members anyway. For a second I didn't recognize him but then I remember this guard. He was one of my favorites.

I was doing my daily work out. The sun had barely risen...just joking. How would I know? I'm in space. The stars were shining outside my small window. With each pull up, I would look outside and see Earth, the uninhabitable planet.

My door opened up and a guard stepped forward with a plate of food.

"I was told to bring this to you." He held my plate.

"I haven't seen you before. You new to the guard?" I wiped a bead of sweat from my forehead.

"Training to be one." He gave a small grin.

"You're different from the others. The other guards would throw my food to the ground and wouldnt think twice about it." I walked over to him.

"I guess I should take that as a compliment."

I took the plate, "Yea, I guess your cool."

He came back a few other times. I never learned his name though and I never gave him mine.

He reached for the lever that would open the door. Everyone stepped back, ready for him to be the first to die but spare themselves for the extra few seconds. I stood in the front, ready for anything to happen.

"Stop! We can't just open the doors. The air could be toxic." The blonde pushed her way to the front of the group.

I rolled my eyes at her stupidity.

"If the airs toxic then we are already dead." The guard countered.

"Plus we couldn't survive in here anyway. In case you haven't noticed I don't think they packed extra food with us." I argued.

"Bellamy?" A brown haired girl climbed down the ladder in the back of the room.

She made her way over to the guard, well I guess his name is Bellamy.

"Look how big you've gotten." He looked over the girl and hugged her.

"What are you wearing? A guards uniform?" She looked at him with disgust in her eyes.

"I borrowed it to get on the drop ship. Someone had to look out for you." He laughed.

"Where is your wristband?" The blonde looked at Bellamys wrist.

I looked down at my hand and saw I still had mine.

"Here," I handed the band to him, "he can have mine."

The blonde gave me a death glare which I returned with a sweet smile.

"Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year." The girl standing next to Bellamy glared at the blonde.

I wanted to smile. I wasn't alone. I wasnt the only one who knew the pain that was felt for a sibling. She grew up with her brother, she had someone to miss. I have never met my brother, but I wish I could. I wish I could hug him like she did with Bellamy. I wish I could see his face. I wish I had memories with him. She knew all of these things. She knew what it felt like.

"Noone has a brother!" A boy yelled from the back.

"That's Octavia Blake! The girl they found hidden under the floor!" A girl yelled.

Octavia started to push forward to get to the girl, but Bellamy held her back.

"Octavia, Octavia no." He pulled her back.

I stepped forward towards the lever, all eyes now watched me.

"What are you doing?" Clarke almost stepped towards me but stopped herself.

"I thought Octavia here might like to be the first person to step on earth in a hundred years." Before she could argue back I pulled the lever.

The sun was brighter than I had expected. As soon as the doors opened, light flooded the darkness. It felt warm. It was light. No more metallic smells, just a sweet aroma. Instead of stars, there was grass. Trees stretched to the sky, towering over everything. Instead of a dark abyss called space, blue skys were above us. I thought I might have heard a distant chirp of a bird.

I stood at the edge, making sure no one took away Octavias moment. She walked cautiously, looking at everything around her.

"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." I whispered to myself.

Her brother watched her with a smile plastered on his face. She got to the edge and jumped off. A cloud of dust went up from her feet.

She stuck her fists up into the air, tilted her head back and yelled, "We're back bitches!"

I laughed at her words. The group of teenagers ran down the ledge and took off in all directions. They happily yelled at their friends and looked excitedly at everything around them.

I stood on the edge watching them In pure bliss. Bellamy stepped out too, going to his sister before they both walked away. I guess it's my turn to explore.

I walked slowly, taking in as much as possible.

"Hey!" Octavia ran up to me.

"Hi," I smiled back.

"Why did you do that back there?"

"I would have wanted someone to do that for me if I was in your shoes. Plus I know how you feel and it's stupid for people to talk about you like that." I said casually.

She hugged me, "thank you."

"It's no problem really." I hugged back.

She smiled at me before running off to explore again. All around me kids laughed and ran around. Something we didn't really have the luxury of doing on the ark. Here there were no rules. No laws. There was only us and who was to tell us what we could and could not do.


So I'm trying to create as many chapters as I can. I hope you are liking how I am writing this. Please give feedback. I would love it.

What would you like to see happen??

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