WFLIAHP: Chapter Two

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We Found Love in a Hopeless Place: Chapter Two

Song for this chapter: Freshman by The Verve Pipe :D

Picture: Harry with Bbay Lux BECAUSE THEY ARE ADORABLE! <3


If you see a *, that means check at the end of the chapter for Author's Notes, since I hate it when authors put them right in the middle of a paragraph....


Harry's P.O.V. - Wednesday Family Night*


I was rushing around my flat, tidying up and trying to cook dinner all at the same time, which was not easy consider Darcy kept making a mess. The vegetables and steak were almost done cooking; I had most of the mess straightened up when the phone rang. "Hello London 's Morgue, you kill 'em, we chill 'em, Harry speaking?"**

"I told you that you need to stop answering your phone like that..." an Irish voice spoke through the receiver, telling me that it was Niall and the fact that he was late, meant that he was baring a surprise. "Anyway, I was wondering if I could bring three friends to family night since you mum can't make it this month." Told you, surprise, this is how Niall worked and I loved it.

"Aren't you lucky I made enough to feed an army and Darcy is always looking for new playmates, right bubba?" I asked the four year old, who was paying way too much attention to the X-Factor then to me right now. I sighed and went back to stirring the food, before turning the burner off. "How long are you going to be, Ni?"

"About ten minutes, I am in route now so ten minutes." I chuckled and told him bye, then put the rice in the microwave. Ten Minute Rice was a life saver, plus it was the only rice I honestly knew how to kind of make without burning it.

"Darcy, television off." She started grumbling before grabbing the remote and clicking the off button, she then turned and faced me with a tiny glare. "Thank you grumpy gills now go and get me an elastic for your hair before Uncle Ni get here." She squealed at the mention of Niall, running off to grab a hair elastic and a knock came to the door. "Niall you said ten minutes and it has only been about three..."

"I threw off your rice cooking time, didn't I? I succeeded at one of my life goals then, you should be proud at me, I never reach goals." Niall said before walking in through the door, allowing me to see for the first time who he invited to family night. Much to my amusement, note the sarcasm, Liam, Louis and a guy a never met before stood in my doorway.

"Hello, come on in, follow Niall to the living room and have a..." a little voice broke off of my sentences.

"Papa, I can't find my green hair elastic!" Darcy said, pouting and pushing her curls out of her eyes, before noticing the people standing at the door. "You’re so pretty!" She squealed running to Louis's leg and tugging on his pants, "You’re a boy, right?" I almost died, right on the spot when my very smart four year old, asked Louis the stripper if he was a boy. Louis laughed, swooping down to pick her up before he walked into my flat, telling her that he was in fact a boy. Liam and the unknown man followed Louis in and I shut the door, going to find the hair elastic that Darcy miss placed. Though as soon as I walked into her room I found the elastic, sitting on her desk with the rest of the hair elastic, quickly joining the crowd in my living room. I sat in one of the chairs and beckon Darcy to me; she stood in between my legs as I pulled her long curly hair into a high pony tail. All the man but Niall, staring at me in awe like I just did the best magic trick ever, I guess they didn’t know how to do a pony tail. "Thanks Papa." She lightly kissed me on the cheek before sitting in my lap, it never stops amazing me how smart Darcy is, but I think it has to do with hanging around Niall and me. She speaks like a seven year old and has the knowledge most five year olds, don't have with starting school.

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