Chapter Two

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Terry here!! So this is chapter two of my new story. Well it feels weird to put the commenting at the beginning rather than the end...hmmm well anyhows, here is chapter two! Enjoy!! ^-^


Chapter 2:


                I stood in the clearing. A circle of forest surrounded me. The note I found on my bed earlier was in ashes a few hundred yards back. Morgause was probably the one behind this or Morgana, but then why was the note signed ‘Whisper?’ Whisper, the one I had only heard about, but had never met. Was it her? From what I understood she was helping Morgause and Morgana and was dangerous. Her name kept popping up with the two witch sister, yet she still wasn’t ever with them seemingly.

                “So you came.”

                The voice seemed to come from the wind. It came from no one area. It was all around me, and it was soft, like a whisper.

                “Show yourself,” I yelled.

                “I don’t believe you are in the position to give orders, little warlock.”

                I ground my teeth. ‘Little warlock’ reminded me too much of what the Great Dragon called me: ‘young warlock.’

                “I don’t want trouble, but –“

                “Then why do you keep causing it. You endanger my cousin’s mission. You make her life harder. If you didn’t want trouble you would just stand back and let her do her will.”

                “Your cousin?” I asked. For some reason I got the feeling the person wasn’t going to show themselves any time soon, but was more of the kind to talk.

                “Morgana is my cousin. She was nearly killed by you.”

                I cursed under my breath; so this one did have a connection with the sisters. She was their cousin. Why did they all have to be related?

                “I do what I do for the protection of Camelot and Prince Arthur. If it gets in your cousin’s way then so be it.”

                “Maybe so, but what is it to you? You, being a warlock, would have a better standing if you would join us. If Arthur found out what you were he would kill you without a second thought. You are nothing to their kind, so why protect them? With us you would have more power and be able to rule. So join us so I don’t have to kill you.”

                “So you are here to kill me?” My heart jumped a bit with fear.

                “Yes, but I would rather not.”

                “Why is that? And how do you know what I am? Morgana doesn’t even know from my understanding.”

                “Because –“

                The voice made me jump. I turned around to see a woman, in womanish men clothing with her mouth covered by a cloth and a hood on. All I could of her face was a bit of pale skin around her eyes, and then her eyes…they were a bright, familiar green that shone in the moonlight.

The Sound of A Whisper (Merlin BBC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu