Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10:


                I ran through the woods as fast as my feet would carry me. In one hand was a sword, in the other a dagger. Behind me was a magical creature.

                “What the hell did you do?” Gwaine yelled as he ran next to me.

                “Me? I thought it was you!” I yelled back.

                “I just remember the bloody thing start chasing us,” he replied.

                I ran faster trying to keep up with Gwaine. We ran down a hill and behind us I could hear the creature getting closer. I did not get a good look at it, but all I could really tell was that it was huge and had wings.

                “What is it?” I asked Gwaine.

                “How would I know? Now hurry up, we need to lose it before it catches us. When we get to the end of the woods that’s coming up, turn and don’t leave the trees.”

                “What are you going to do?”

                He didn’t answer, but just kept running.

                I did as he said, like always. When we got to edge of the woods, I turned and started the other way. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Gwaine run out into the meadow that came out from the edge of the woods. I wasn’t completely sure what he was up to until the creature ran out of the woods after him.

                It was a Griffin. A gasp came out when I saw it. They were extremely rare magical creatures that often killed.

                Once it got out of the trees, it opened its wings and started to glide over the ground towards Gwaine at a speed that would be impossible for him to outrun.

                “GWAINE!!!” I yelled coming to stop and starting for him.

                He spun around and pulled his sword out to face the creature. At the first pass of the creature, Gwaine rolled out of the way to avoid it. I watched as the creature turned back towards him. The distance between him and I was getting progressively smaller as I sped up to as fast as I could push myself to go.

                Gwaine managed to dodge the second past and swing at the creature, but when his sword hit it, it bounced off as if its skin was made of metal.

                As it came for the third pass I knew that this time the creature meant to kill by its eyes. Gwaine had escaped from its gasp twice; it would not let it happen again. I ran faster and right as the creature came to make the third pass, jumped and pulled my sword in front of me.

                “NO!” Gwaine yelled.

                It happened too quickly for my eyes to see what happened.

                All I saw was the Griffin fly right towards me and then sudden, blinding pain as my body hit the ground. My vision was black and I could feel something coursing through my body. I recognized the feeling as magic. I tried to fight it, but through the pain I could not keep it at bay as it sprouted from me.

                Opening my eyes, I saw a light go towards the creature and then it flew away.

                “Cara!” Gwaine yelled falling on his knees next to me and pulling me into his arms. “Can you hear me?”

The Sound of A Whisper (Merlin BBC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang