Chapter Twenty - One

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Previously on 'The Sound of A Whisper'

Whisper/Cara has been somehow saved from the cell she was trapped in and is safe in a some camp with Ellen. Gwaine came to Camelot to get Annie and inform Merlin of Cara's safety. Merlin is now on his way with Gwaine and Annie to see her. 

Chapter 21:

~Whisper (recent past) ~

                I lay in my back in the cell, looking up at the ceiling. The floor felt like ice, but instead of bothering me, it numbed my pain. For I do not know how long, I had been moving in and out of sleep. My eyelids felt heavy. I was happy to be able to lie down after spending most of my time chained in a standing position.

                “Are you awake?”

                I groaned and turned my head to the side to look at the cell doors. Trist stood there looking at me, with a smirk resting on his face.

                “Unhappy to see me?” he asked.

                “Considering last time I saw you, you nearly killed me by suffocation, I would say I am not happy to see you,” I said. My voice was rough and it hurt to speak.

                He shook his head, the smirk growing. “Do not worry; I am not going to harm you today. I am here to move you to the throne room. Cendred wants to speak with you, as does Lady Morgause. I think you would be wise to listen to what they say.”

                “I have been rotting in this cell for I do not know how long and have yet to give you any useful information. What makes you think I will now talk?”

                “Because we have your sister here to help convince you,” he said.

                I let out a painful laugh. “The joke is on you. I would gladly watch my sister die. We do not get alone very well. She tried to kill me a few times. Not that I blame her, I have tried to kill her a few times as well. I nearly succeeded once.”

                Trist frowned, that horrible smirk finally leaving. “Get up.” He pulled out some keys and unlocked the door, opening it slowly. Have a dozen armed guards came up behind him, waiting for orders.

                “I hurt too much to move,” I stated before going back to looking up at the ceiling.

                “Put the chains on her wrists,” Trist said to the guards. “Then get her to her feet.”

                A pair of guards came in, each taking one of my arms, lifting them up, and then cuffing my wrists together. They then grabbed my shoulders and picked me up, getting me on my feet. One guard just let me go after I was up, while the other made sure I stayed steady. I gave him a pained smile as a thank you.

                “Let’s go Whisper,” Trist said, roughly grabbing my forearm.

                Trist led the group, while the guards surrounded me, escorting me down the halls. I walked as best I could without stumbling, my legs felt so weak.

                “You know if you would just tell Morgause what she wants to know, this could all be avoided,” Trist said.

                “She wants to know where Annie is and she wants to know how much I have told Arthur and Merlin about her plans. I am not even sure where my daughter is and I have told Arthur nothing, I have not even spoken to him. I told Morgause this but she will not listen. She asked me to kill Merlin and I could not. He is too good a man to have killed.”

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