Chapter Six

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Chapter 6


                When I woke up, I noticed how horrible I felt. My body felt weak and my breathing was shallow. Slowly opening my eyes, I found myself in my guest room. Darkness covered everything, but a small area in the side of my view.

                Moving my hand to the light, I saw a candle burning on the nightstand. Then I found a body in a chair next to my bed. The person was clearly asleep with their head and upper body on the edge of my bed. In the morning their back would hurt from sitting like that.

                Sitting up with pain, I saw that the person was Merlin. What was he doing here? Last thing I remember we were fighting.

                I debated whether or not to wake him for a few minutes, when I finally decided to go back to sleep and worry about it in the morning. His hand, resting on my arm, I fell into the first restful sleep I had since Ewing’s death.

                When I awoke for the second time, light was just starting to come into the windows, making the blue curtains glow that was beautiful. I laid on my side watching the light soak into the room when I heard breathing and remember that on the other side of me was Merlin.

                Turning over, I looked at his sleeping shelf.

                He was in the same position he was when I woke up last night, except he was sliding off his chair a bit. There was a soft sound of a snore coming out of his mouth and his hair seemed more messy. Also, I noticed in the light, there were dry tear tracks on his cheeks.

                “Merlin,” I said in a rough voice that hurt my throat. “Merlin,” I managed louder. “Merlin wake up.”

                He grunted.

                Sighing, I grabbed his arm and started shaking it. “Merlin, wake up,” I shouted.

                Suddenly, he jolted up. Due to the fact that he was so far off the chair he was on, Merlin fell to the ground with a loud thud and the chair followed him to the floor.

                Peering over the edge of the bed, I saw a sleepy eyed Merlin rubbing the back of his head and looking vaguely up at me. It took a minute of him just looking before his eyes got wide.

                “Cara!” he shouted. “You’re awake!”

                I laughed. “Yes, and I had to wake you up.”

                He just continued to stare, holding his head. After he seemed to confirm that I was in fact really awake in front of him, he got to his feet, picked the chair back up, and sat down in it still with shock on his face.

                “Can you tell me why I can’t sit up?” I asked him.

                “You have been very sick for the last two weeks,” he told me. His eyes fell to the floor. “Last night you suddenly got worse and…we thought you were going to die during the night, so I stayed to watch over you…just in case.”

                “Thank you,” I said softly. “I fear I said some awful things to you.”

                He shook his head. “You were not feeling well.”

                “That does not make what I said right,” I told him softly. “I lied when I said I did not want to see you again. Every time I am with you, you make me forget the pain of Ewing if only for a second, but I felt that that was a sham on his memory and my love for him.”

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