Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter 16:


                My strength was back from the griffin attack. Still though, it took some begging to talk Gaius into letting me go to the dinner that Uther was hosting for some king in honor of their dispute being over. Just recently had I been able to go for a horseback ride with no problem.

                “Cara, you are still recovering,” Gaius told her. “You still need to move slowly. Your injuries were received only two weeks from tomorrow.”

                “I know Gaius, but I am tired of sitting around with nothing to do. Please, I will sit and just watch as people dance. I will not be too active,” I begged. Without his approval the King was not going to let me attend. For some reason, like everyone else, he was worried about me.

                “I will watch over her,” Sir Leon said. He insisted on coming with me to talk to Gaius. “If I feel she is getting weak, I will escort her to her room immediately. Arthur will understand.”

                Merlin walked into the room from his bedchamber. “I will watch over her as well.”

                Gaius sighed, but I knew he was going to give in. “Okay, you may go, but remember Cara that you are still weak. You body has taken a lot of pain lately, so do not push yourself too hard.”

                “Don’t worry, Gaius,” Sir Leon said setting a hand softly on my shoulder. “I will watch over her. I fear Ewing will haunt me if I do not do my part in watching over her.” I managed to keep a straight face at the name of my dead fiancée. “Plus, we have all grown to care for Cara greatly. Even the King worries about her.”

                “Okay,” Gaius said with a nod, “now then you two better get going before Leon is late for training and Merlin is late for duties, and Cara, go rest before tonight’s feast. Oh, and do not dance too much. I fear the strain on your side.”

                I nodded. “Yes, Gaius, and thank you.”

                The moment the door shut behind us, Merlin took my hand.

                “I will walk her to her chambers,” he said to Sir Leon. “It is on the way to Arthur’s chambers and knights training starts soon.”

                A look pasted over Sir Leon’s face before he nodded.

                “Take care,” he said to me before leaning down and kissing my cheek. “And I will see you tonight.”

                “Okay,” I said with a smile before I headed the opposite direction of him with Merlin. Merlin linked his arm with mine so I could lean on him like he did when we went on our walks. I smiled at the familiar feeling.

                “Tonight should be fun,” he said interrupting the silence.

                I frowned. “I am sorry you have to work.”

                “Oh, don’t be, I just get to overhear what everyone says.”

                I laughed. “Okay, well I will sneak some of the food into a napkin for you,” I told him. “I know Arthur never treats you to the delicious food from the kitchen.”

                “I would very much appreciate that. You are right about Arthur, but you do spoil me.”

                “Ah, but I like to. It is my way of saying thank you for being there for me whenever I needed you. You have been a true friend over the last few months. First you pushed me when I needed it, and you have watched over me all this time. Helped me get better over the last few weeks and go for walks with me to help me regain my strength. You are a truly kind person.”

The Sound of A Whisper (Merlin BBC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang