Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14:


                I sat on the edge of my bed and breathed slowly. Outside the window in front of me was the scene of Camelot in the dark. The moon was high in the sky and the stars shone down. They looked just the stars in the dream.

                “It wasn’t real,” I whispered to myself. “Cara is dead.”

                Yet it felt so real. When her hand touched mine, I felt the sensations in my body I used to feel when she touched my hand. My lips still tingled from the kisses I got in the dream. Her scent lingered on my skin from holding her close.

                “No, Merlin, Cara is dead,” I told myself again. Wasn’t she? I watched her body be put in the ground. ‘Eyes can be deceiving,’ Cara’s words played through my head. Whisper told me she killed Cara. ‘My sister lies.’

                I shook my head. I wanted to believe she was alive. It had been two years since she was buried in the ground. Two years since she left. My heart stung at the memory.

                “I’ll be back in a week, Merlin. I just need to make sure my dad is gets better. I love you my warlock and will see you soon.”

                “Can I at least have a kiss before you leave?” I had asked.

                “I will kiss you went I get back, think of me until then.”

                Those were her last words to me, and I still have yet to stop thinking about her.

                Still, even if she was alive, she could not contact me through a dream. She had no magic, even if she said she did in the dream. Cara would not keep a secret like that from me.

                I stood up and walked to the window to watch the sun rise over the city. There was something magically about it to me. An hour later I saw people begin to leave their houses and I heard Gaius start to move around and start a new day.

                Walking out of my room, I went over and sat in my chair.

                “Good morning Merlin, did you sleep well?”

                “I’ve slept better,” I admitted.

                “Bad dreams or just could not sleep?”

                I ignored his question. I played with the spoon on the table.

                “Is it possible for the dead to haunt you?”

                Gaius sat down on the other side of the table and looked at me. “Are you speaking of a ghost or a spirit dwelling in our realm? I have only heard stories of this happing, but I do not believe it to be possible. There is a door between our world and theirs that is nearly impossible to break.”

                “What about your dreams?”

                “Well dreams are just thoughts that form in our mind and our played out for us as we sleep. People with power, such as yourself can have odd dreams indeed that tell the future, but as for a ghost haunting your dreams, I do not see that being possible. Why are you asking?”

                “I dreamt of Cara. It felt as though she was standing next to me. Everything felt so real. I thought it was real, that is until I snapped out of it and told myself she was dead. She told me she was not dead. She told me Whisper lied to me and that she is not really buried in the ground.”

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