Chapter Twelve

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                I sat in the cells feeling the pain of the chains dig into my wrist. I told them I would not try to escape, why did they have to chain me? Then again trusting an assassin was not a smart thing to do, so being bound was a wise thing for them to do.


                I looked up at the cell doors and let out a sigh. “Oh hello Merlin.”

                “How are you,” he asked giving a nervous smile.

                With a blink of my eyes I checked to see if anyone was near. No one was, so I whispered some words and the chains released my wrists. I then crawled up to the bars slowly and painfully and sat beside Merlin.

                “What did they do to you?” he asked his hands moving through the bars and to the burses on my face. His hand was soft against my skin and the old feeling made me close my eyes.

                “Nothing that bad,” I told him and leaned into his hand. “Just a few punches and they chained me, I’ve had worse.”

                As his hand passed over my hurt skin I felt the pain leave and the burses dissipate. Quickly, I slapped his hand away and moved away from him. I tried to wipe away what I felt with him. I tried to tell myself that Merlin couldn’t be what he once was to me because he thought I was dead. He thought Cara was buried in a hole rotting away.

                But something in his eyes scared me. Something told me he saw past my disguise, my cover, my murders, my lies, me. He saw Cara within me.

                “My real name is Damia,” I found myself saying. “I am Cara’s twin sister.”

                Merlin stood up and looked at me sadly. “That I believe. Cara would never kill anyone.”

                I laughed standing up. “You don’t know my sister clearly, she tried to kill me.”

                “Well from the way you treat her, I don’t blame her.”

                I shook my head. “Grammar, Merlin, grammar. The way I treated her, not treat.”

                He hit the bars, I could see the anger in his eyes.

                “I see why she liked you,” I told him trying to suppress the urge to tell him the truth. “She talked about you, you know,” I said truthfully. “When I read her dairy, it talked of a man she met that saw her in a different light than anyone. A man who helped her move past the lost of her beloved Ewing.” I took a few steps towards the bars and Merlin. “You know I was the one meant to marry him. Only, Cara stole him away from me.” I rolled my eyes. “Now there is you.”

                “What about me?” he half yelled.

                “Keep your voice down,” I told him. “You don’t want the guards to hear. About you, huh? Well let’s see, my sister was horribly broken until you came along and made her fall in love again. Well I couldn’t have my darling little sister that everyone loved suddenly bounced and become that light that everyone is attracted to. Did you know she hated herself?”

                “No,” he said bitterly.

                I turned my back to him so he couldn’t see the pain on my face I could no longer hide. “She told me once that she brought everyone down that she needed my help. She was scared, terrified she was going to have to do something horrible to people. As much as I hated her, I could see the fear in her eyes. She asked me to do her a favor, so I did.”

The Sound of A Whisper (Merlin BBC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon