The first time

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This chapter is too cheesy! Lol! It's about Emma and Harry. So I hope you all like it!


After practically everyone with good hearing in the whole park turned their heads in the direction of the scream, I realized it was Lenore.

Harry looks at me, meaning he knows it's her too. We head to the direction and see Lenore by the corn dog cart yelling at the poor guy who sold the snack to her. I can also see a corn dog on the floor beside her leg.

Wait a minute. Don't tell me she yelled because of.....

"Lenore? Why did you scream that way?!" Harry asks, looking a bit mad.

Well why wouldn't he? It interrupted us when we were about to.....

"This dude dropped my corn dog and he had the guts to tell me to pay again if I wanted another one! Can you believe that? And he's practically robbing all his customers. $10 for one corn dog! Just because we all love junk food doesn't mean you should clear our pockets you jerk!" She makes to lunge at him and he steps back, with fear in his eyes.

Poor guy.

"Lenny, calm down." I turn to the corn dog guy, "Look, I'll pay you for another one."

"Why would you do that?" Lenore asks while she eyes the guy preparing another one for me.

"Well, because I can, and because I want to."

The guy hands it to me and I give him $10, while he murmurs a 'thank you' and rides his cart to the other side of the park in a hurry.

"You scared the poor guy to death sis." I chuckle.

"I'd have never paid him back. I'm sure he did it on purpose. You know how boys are." She says and starts to munch down on her corn dog.

Harry's eyes widen and he throws both hands in the air as a way of defence. "Hey, I'm right here."

"Yeah, I'm not blind, dork."

I just giggle and while Lenore talks to me about the mystery caller from yesterday, I feel his eyes on me.

I look up and indeed he is staring. I give him a small smile and he returns it; and I know we were both wishing what almost took place earlier really happened.

"Em. What was my last statement?"

Oh. She was still talking. I tuck my hair behind my ear and giggle nervously.

She just shakes her head and smiles, but it doesn't reach her eyes.


"She's mad at you?" Lenore asks and she glances at Harry to check his reaction. He doesn't even seem interested in what she's saying.

"Yeah, she is. Lana rarely acts like this. She was so emotional and angry at the same time." I feel like breaking down but we're still in the park so that might not be the greatest idea.

"Maybe she is on her period or something." Lenore says with all seriousness and I try my best not to laugh.

"Or she's jealous." She adds.

I'll go with the latter. She and Lenore never really got to know each other and I wanted that so much.

I have an idea, which may or may nor backfire.

Harry stands up from the bench and says, "I'll be by the fountain area. In case you both want to go," he turns to me, "you can call me."

I nod and he walks away slowly. I take a deep breath and my hair shoots up as a result of the air. Lenore stares at me, obviously knowing something happened.

"When you left to get the corn dogs, Harry and I almost..well, you know."

She smiles. "Well sorry to say, but I don't know. Tell me."

"We umm, we almost kissed.. But your scream kind of ruined that, so, here we are! I think he's still angry about it, he doesn't seem like he's in the mood and I don't blame him."

"It's my fault, I'm so sorry. I had no idea you were both about to." She says, looking genuinely sad. But then she lights up within a second. "Hey! He's alone, by the fountain. You could go there and talk to him."

"What about you? What will you be doing ?" I ask and she grins.

"Your phone is all I ask for."

I sigh and take out my phone from my jeans pocket. She's planning on stalking Shawn Mendes and Harry Styles again. I never would've guessed that my favourite tomboy had a liking for cute popular boys.

"Fine. Just don't finish my data." I say, but I know I'm just talking to myself. Lenore never listens.

I turn my back to her and take another deep breath. Man, this is hard. I walk towards the fountain and when I get closer to Harry's figure, I pause. He's just sitting on the bench there, touching the water with his hands. He looks deep in thought and I just want to hug him forever.

I've never really had a massive crush on anyone because I thought all boys were the same, but it turns out that Harry is different. There's no doubt in my mind anymore. I like him. I like him a lot. I don't know if he likes me but if he even thinks of liking me up to half of what I feel, I'll be happy.

He feels my presence and turns and I notice that this side of the park is empty. It's quiet. Our eyes lock. No way, I'm not looking away this time. I need to do this, because I've wasted enough time. He gets up, with our eyes still on the other's. It's funny, really. He's kind of like my brother but he's not.

I suddenly feel so conscious. Is my face okay? My hair? My clothes?

He moves close to me and he's so near I can feel his breath fan my face.

"Harry." I manage to squeak out.

He lets out a smile. "If you don't want to do this, you don't have to. There's still time."

I shake my head and he shivers, I can feel it.

His hand runs through my hair and the wetness from the water cools my skin. I've never felt this way before.

He looks at me again, and searches my eyes, as if looking for any sign to go ahead. I nod and then, he kisses me. Very softly at first. His hands move into my hair slowly too. It travels down to my waist and I make to hold his hair too.

The kiss becomes urgent and fast and I feel breathless. I've never kissed anyone before, this is new to me.

But the feeling is great. It's surreal. And amazing. I pull away, the lack of air fighting the pleasure. However, we're still holding each other as tight as we can. His lips are swollen and I'm sure mine are too.

We both chuckle, and he whispers, "Emma?"


"I need to say something I should have said a long time ago."

My breath hitches and I nod, telling him to go on.

"Em, I like you."


Well that happened. Honestly I felt awkward writing this but if I didn't bring them together, I would have cried. I ship them so much! I honestly didn't know how to write a kissing scene because I've never kissed anyone before. So forgive me if it's sloppy.

Also, school has been hectic. I have exams next week so I'll be on wattpad a little for the next two weeks. I'll miss y'all.

I also didn't read this through, so forgive any mistake. I'll update after my exams. I love you all.❤

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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