Blessing in Disguise?

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Aahhh!!! I'm so happy! Why? Cos 'Emma and Lenore' has a thousand reads! I know I practically forced most of you to read this book. And I'm sorry. But I hope you like it. Thank you soo much!❤



"Where are you going all dressed up?" Mom asks as I'm about to step out the door.

What a stupid question.

"So I should go out naked, mom?" I ask, knowing I'm pushing her buttons.

It works, because she's practically scowling at me now. "I hope you aren't going to see that..Lenore girl." She says with a bitter tone.

Lenore. I received calls from Harry's phone but I didn't pick up. What she did yesterday was so annoying. I've never been that angry.

"No. No."

She looks at me for a moment, then says, "Okay."

I walk out the door. Time to meet mom.




"Hey, uh, I'm going out." I tell Harry, who's been ignoring me since yesterday. I really regret what I said to him, but I haven't really apologized. I don't know what's wrong with me. I really need to get rid of this stupid pride. There's nothing to be proud about.

He doesn't answer and I sigh. I'm in his room, and he's just texting someone on his phone.

I sit beside him on the bed. Then I swear my jeans are so uncomfortable, they continue to make sounds that make it look like I'm farting.

When I sit, it makes the stupid sound and Harry stares at me. "Not me. My jeans." I say and even Harry can stop himself from smiling.

Good, a smile. We're getting there.

"Harry. I know you probably don't went to listen to me right now, but can I say something?" I ask and he stares at me again, but this time, it doesn't hold any anger. I guessed my jeans eased up the tension a little bit.

He still doesn't answer and I continue. "Look, I..don't know what came over me yesterday. I've been holding so much inside and it just burst out yesterday. I've been so lonely and sad, and even with Emma, something is still missing. My mom. It just hurts. I said some very hurtful things to Emma. I can't count how many times I've slapped myself in the face for hurting her that way. She has never been that angry before. I turned her into an angry person. I feel really bad." I pause and then I continue.

"I was wrong yesterday. I wanted you to be there, I needed you. I still do. And I know that this long speech will probably not change your mind about your sister being this freakish jerk. I am very sorry. No matter what,--" I pause then take my hand in his, "--I will always care about you. I love you, Harry." I finally finish.

I think I'm sobbing now, probably because Harry is wiping my face with his fingers. Or maybe he's just that weird. I laugh inwardly at that random thought.

"Lenny. I understand. It's fine. I guess I hold grudges too much anyway." He says then smiles.

That smile literally is my sunshine. "You guess?" I tease and he chuckles softly.

"You're going to see your mom? What about Mom and Dad?" He asks.

"I'll just have to sneak out. And I also really need to apologize to Emma." I tell him.

And just then, we hear both our names being called.


"Both of you, we're going to see your grandparents for about three days. You would have followed us, but you have school. And I'm sure your exams are near, so we won't take you. Now, we are going to overrule our decision. You both can go out if you want. But if I hear you're with your sister, you're going to be in big, big trouble. You got me?" Mom asks and we both nod, smiling.

"Bye, stay safe." Dad and mom both give us hugs and they leave.

This is a blessing in disguise.


Harry and I wait for about 10 minutes, then walk to the park. We'll wait until mom's shift is over, then go see her.

"Are you nervous?" He asks as we're walking to the park.

"Oh no, why should I be nervous because I'm meeting the woman who gave me life for the first time in 13 years?" I ask, sarcastically.

He glares at me. "You and sarcasm are best friends."

I giggle.


Sure enough, Emma is there, on our favourite park bench, pressing her phone and drinking bottled water.

She spots us and she averts her gaze. I sigh.

Immediately I get to the bench, I suck up my pride and hug her tightly. "I'm so, so sorry, Em. Please." I don't even realize I'm sobbing because her hair and clothes are now wet from my tears.

She starts sobbing too, and then just like that, my world is okay.


By 8, we head off to the shop. Harry exclaims in surprise when we get there. "Whoa. This is the shop where I got that donut you love so much, Lenny."

"Oh, really. We can come here more often." I say and they both agree.

The shop is empty and small, but adequate. There is a sign on the door that reads 'CLOSED. OPEN TOMORROW AT 6 A.M'

But, we see a blonde haired woman, who looks so thin, sweeping the floor and humming. Yes, that's our mom. I don't know how to react, and by the looks of it, so does Emma.

We enter the shop and the woman looks up as if she wants to say something, and then she sees us. Her broom drops to the floor, and her mouth is open in shock.

"M-mom?" I ask.


A/n( again): ik, I'm sorry for not updating for three days. Was busy.

A cliffhanger though.

What's gonna happen?

This story has 12 chapters more, maybe.

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