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"Where are we going to, Harry?" I ask him for the tenth time. I really don't want to get into trouble with Mom and Dad.

"I told you, to the park. We're going to see your sister." He says. This guy really is nuts.

"But.. You haven't even given me a reason! You're just saying we're going to see her when mom and dad warned us against even stepping outside. What if they find out we left? We'll definitely be grounded until we're both married." I start to panic.

"Will you just calm down? Now, just hold my hand and we'll be fine." He says and brings out his hand for me to hold it.

I take it and our fingers intertwine. And he was right. I'm feeling fine now.


"So, from what I found out, she's working in a café named Sweet Treats. Very close to where you guys will soon work in. Closing hours are at 7pm. But she is the one who usually cleans up the place. So you have time then. I think my job here is done?" Drew says and I just stare at him.

Emma is about to speak when I silence her. "No, Drew. Your job isn't done. When we're certain that she's really our mother, we can pay you. But for now, we have to find out first. " I say and Drew's expression changes. He seems angry, but then the corners of his mouth turn up into a small smile. This man looks like somebody who is about to snap, like he's holding something secretive inside of him. I want him to let it out. I don't trust him at all.

"Fine. Call me when you know." He says then stands up and leaves quickly.

"Hey." Emma attempts to touch my arm and I pull away so she can't touch it.

I've been in a bitter mood lately and I'm taking it out on everyone.

Emma flinches, and so does Harry. He's been here with us, just listening to what Drew was saying.

"What's wrong, Lenny?" Emma asks, and her soft, innocent voice makes me want to cry. I don't even know how to react. My mom is like so close to me and I'm here. I want to just scream. I just want to see my mom.

"Nothing. We have 30 more minutes until we can see mom. So let's just shut up, okay?" Immediately those words leave my mouth, I regret it. The expression on Emma's voice makes me want to slap myself for saying such.

This time Harry speaks up. "Okay, Lenore, I'm getting tired of this attitude of yours. I'm really trying to keep my emotions in check here and you've been acting like this." He sighs and just stops talking.

When was the last time he called me Lenore? Only when he's mad.

His words are right, but it only angers me the more. "If you don't want to stay here, you're welcome to leave. This isn't even your business anyway! No one asked you to come here and now I'm begging you to leave."

Harry doesn't even look at me, he just stands up and walks away angrily.

What in the world am I doing?

It's like I can't stop saying these things.

"What's wrong, sis? That was really harsh." Emma says and I snap. Like I'm boiling. And I need to let it out.

"Don't call me sis. Just don't. And it wasn't harsh. It was merely the truth! He has no business here. We don't even know if that..that Drew dude is right! You just trust him!"

Emma still isn't angry. She's just shocked, somehow.

"I don't trust him a hundred percent. But I'm willing to take that chance. A chance. To find our mom. It's what I want, isn't that what you want too?"

"I don't know what I want anymore, Emma! I'm tired. Our 'mom' left us! For thirteen years, everyone thought she died. But yet, she's alive. Alive! In the same city we both are. She left us, with no explanation. And not to mention, giving us to people who are treating us a bit badly! I'm sick and tired of all this crap. I really am. It pains me to know that we have been so close to her! She left us. Just like that." I feel no sadness, no remorse. Just anger.

Emma looks angry now. I never see her angry. Emma with the sweet smile and the perfect white teeth is mad, angry, incensed.

"Oh, so you think I haven't been keeping in things too?! You think I haven't been so angry I wanted to just scream until I lose my voice?! You think you know what I've been through! You don't! You just don't. You just sent your brother away! He's trying to help. Drew too. I don't fully trust him, but I'm taking a chance. Don't think for one second that I'm naive Lenore. I'm not that sane five year old you knew. You know what, fine. Do whatever you want. I will see mom tomorrow and I don't think I need you there. Bye." She says then leaves me all alone in the park.

What just happened? What did I do? I blew it. I just blew it. But since mom and Dad grounded me, I have done nothing but think. About my life. Mom has made things so hard for us. And I became that girl who I was before I started going for therapy. Hateful and angry.

I just snapped tonight. But now, I feel like a mess. I need to go home and fix things.

I just hope I can.


A/n: remember in chapter one, when Lenore said she went for therapy? I'm just saying this for readers who didn't remember though.

This chapter was completely emotional for me.


Oh, and thank you all for 803 reads and 337 votes.

The new cover was made by tanie_lou, I love, love, love it!!❤thank you😊

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