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"M-mom?" Lenore asks. I honestly don't know what to do, my hands are shaking like crazy and   I am speechless. It's her. Our mom. A part of me is very happy to see her, but a part of me wants to hate her for leaving Lenore and I; for putting us through all this pain.

Mom's expression softens for a moment, but then what she does next is really shocking.

She takes her bag, switches off the lights, and runs out through the back door before we can even catch her. Lenore and I run out too, but we can't find her anymore. She....she ran away.

But why?


I feel really bad that the Sweet Treats shop's doors are left unlocked because of the thefts going on around there. I just hope that nothing is stolen.

Going back to mom. What happened? Why did she run away?

Harry, Lenore and I are walking back home. We're all quiet until Harry breaks the silence. "Both of you are acting like you didn't just see your mother running away from you. Don't you have anything to say? Or maybe, just think of the reasons why she might have fled?" He asks and Lenore sighs.

"There's nothing to say, Harry. I cannot believe for thirteen years, this woman has been living in the same city with us. It doesn't make any sense." She says.

"You're right. Why would she separate us if she still wanted us to live really close to each other? She obviously wanted us to find each other. But why would she give us away in the first place?" I ask.

Harry nods. "A lot of things don't make sense, Emma. Like how Drew found your mom so easily and how each of our parents knew that you both found each other." He says, looking directly at me. I avert my gaze and nod quickly.

Lenore notices and clears her throat dramatically. "Well, there's got to be a connection. We just have to clear our heads. Exams are next week and we all need to read. We don't need this right now." She says.


I step into the house, and I see Ruby and her best friend, Kelly, watching some stupid sappy cartoon that has way too much crying in it. Kelly sleeps over here a lot. Have I mentioned that she - as little as she is- and her parents are gold diggers to the core? They are clearly using Mom's fake kindheartedness and Ruby's plain stupidity(excuse my words, I'm angry right now) to their own advantage. 

Ruby sees me and whispers something to Kelly and they both start laughing. If only they knew what I was going through right now, they'd know that what they're doing doesn't affect me one bit. Nothing on this whole earth can hurt me more than seeing my mom running away from me.

I shake my head and walk into the kitchen. Rick is in there, stealing some nutella. He's obviously not good at sneaking, because he doesn't even know I'm in the room.

Mom hides the nutella from him, because he's really addicted to it. Like, he can finish two jars in a day. So she keeps it inside the highest drawer in the kitchen where she assumes Rick can't reach it. Key word there being assumes.

He could just use a ladder or a chair and take the freaking thing!

"Boo!" I yell and he screams and almost drops the jar onto the floor. He catches it, puts it on the table and then puts a hand over his heart.
He gives me a bad glare because I'm laughing so hard. "Don', Em! You know I hate being afraid!" He rants and I continue laughing.

"Where were you?" He asks. Well if I tell him I was with Lenny, the boy might tell. I know he's a good kid, but words can just come out at any time.

"Out." I say and he raises his brows.

"With your sister."

I'm about to deny it when he says, "No, don't try to deny it. I'm not stupid. I'm also not Ruby. So I won't tell. I promise you." He puts his hand in the air as a way of vowing. I chuckle. I love this side of Rick. He seems so carefree and happy, sort of. Unlike the Rick I used to know.

"Well you better don't. Or I'm telling mom about you stealing Nutella everyday." I say and he scoffs. "You know I can just go out and buy some, right?" He asks.

"And you know I can tell mom to ground you, right?" I say and he shakes his head in defeat.

"Okay, okay. You win. I won't tell." He says and shrugs and I smile. "Good." I say.

I walk into my room and lay on my bed, not even bothering to eat dinner because I'm not hungry. I don't even think I'll be hungry in the morning. I just want to sleep and see my mom in my dreams with me.



"Hey, you want some more water?" I ask Lenore, who still picking on her roast chicken.

I had to spend my money to buy something for her, so she'd eat well. She looks like she's really been losing weight. And it's not good for her. We haven't been eating so well these days, because of those stupid debts.

She nods and I pour some more into her glass. "Thank you." She mutters.

She and Emma are really going through a lot, right now. I've never seen Lenny this sad before, and it hurts me so much. What we are going to do, I don't know. But I do know what I have to do now.

There are these special type of hugs I give Lenny. Those hugs, she tells me, always make her feel safe and okay. And I don't think there's any other thing she wants now except being okay.

So that's what I do, I go over to my sister and I take her into the tightest hug ever.


A/n:   Nothing much to say now, I just hope you liked this.
New cover by AwkwardoWeirdo❤❤❤❤I love it, thank you!
Thank you for reading.

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