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"Is that all?"

"Yeah, just a donut and a milkshake will do fine." I tell a dark haired woman, who looks awfully like someone I know. She looks like she's in her forties. Her face is very familiar, I just can't put my finger on it. She notices me staring at her while she's packaging my order.

"Is there anything you need to tell me, son?" She asks me and I look down, slightly embarrassed.

Way to be obvious, Harry.

"Oh, it's nothing ma'am." I say quickly and she eyes me one more time.

Then she smiles. "Ma'am? Call me Jenna."

"Oh. Okay." I really don't know what to say.

"You look like you've seen me before." She says and smiles again. Her features are pretty, but she looks older than she is. She looks stressed. Definitely not stress from working in a café shop though.

"Well you do look familiar, ma-- Jenna." I tell her and she nods.

"Happens to everyone, son. Here's your order." She says, then hands it to me. I thank her and pay her, tipping her way too much.

"Oh no, son. This is too much." She says modestly, but I know she needs it. There's just something about her, it makes me want to protect her somehow.

"It's fine. I should get going now. I need to go look for my sister."

"Oh, that's nice. What's your sister's name?"

"Lenore. I call her Lenny." I tell her and she smiles.

"Oh. Good. See you whenever, son." She says, and she waves.


"Mmm, where'd you get this donut from? It's heavenly." Lenore asks, biting down on the poor thing like there's no going back.

I laugh. "And yet, I'm the slob. From a café near McKay's. I couldn't afford getting anything at McKay's." I tell her and she nods in understanding.

"But this is really good. Thanks for getting it for me."

"Nah, don't mention it. The woman who sold it to me. She looks so familiar. If only I knew who she reminded me of."

"Maybe you've been seeing her around. It happens. By the way, how's Jason?"

Jason is my best buddy, a real cool dude. We're tight, but I haven't been seeing him lately. He's been blowing me off.

"I really don't know, Lenny. We haven't been talking so much."

"That's bad."

We're almost home and I'm happy we are. I'm getting so tired of walking.

"Yeah it is." I say and notice her thinking.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

I'm just thinking about Drew, you know." She told me about him when we parted ways with Emma. She didn't really trust him and I don't know why.

"Calm down. It'll all be fine." I tell her and she's not even listening because she's licking her fingers.

I laugh. "Do you like it that much?"

"Yes! It's really great. Let's go there tomorrow. We can bring Emma and her friend too. It'll be fun." She says and she starts to wink at me countless times.

I know what she's implying, and I look down. I've not really gotten the chance to speak to Emma at length, but she looks reserved. She is pretty, just like Lenny. Although I'd never tell Lenny that. She'd never let me hear the end of it.

"So, Harry, will you go?" She teases and I just nod.

"Great. Let's get home first." She's clapping her hands now and I'm laughing.


"Call her! It's not that hard! Just say, 'Heyo, can you and your friend come to this café with Lenore and I tomorrow after school?'." She practically yells.

She's telling, no, she's forcing me to call Emma and tell her about the thing tomorrow. "Why don't you just tell her, sis?"

"My throat is tired." She says blankly.

"And yet you've been yelling at me for the past 10 minutes. If you're serious about it, just call her and tell her, because I won't." I tell her and place the phone in her hands. She sighs.

"Fine. I get it. I'll call her tomorrow. Chicken." She sits on my bed.

She says and I laugh. "That's not going to work on me, Lenny. I'm not chicken. I'm just not in the mood to tell her, okay?"

She shrugs. She plays with my phone roughly and I flinch.

"Hey, hey. Handle Robert with care! You think it's easy to get a phone?" I tell her.

She chuckles. "Really? You named your phone Robert? Wow. And how hard is it to buy an iPhone?" She asks.

"Obviously really hard, since you don't have a phone yet."

She hits my arm and I stick my tongue out at her. Childish, I know.

She starts to dial Emma's number when a knock interrupts her.

"Come in!" We both yell.

"This isn't your room, goofball." I tell her and she hits my arm again. Ow.

Mom and Dad walk in, and I can instantly smell the trouble coming. We hardly see them these days and for them to come to my room for the first time in three years, something is really wrong.

"Where were you both today?" Mom asks rather calmly. Too calm.

"Obviously, out." Lenny says and Dad snaps.

"Don't try my patience Lenore. Where were you both?"

"With a friend."

"Which friend?" Mom asks.

" School." I lie. I hate it, makes me feel bad. Well, every one does.

"So now, Lenore's sister goes to your school?" Dad asks and Lenore gasps.

Wait a sec. How did they know?

"How did you.." Lenore begins.

"Don't ask that. All we came here to tell you is that you are both grounded. No going out. After school. Or you're both in trouble. If I ever hear that you both are seeing Emma, you'll regret it. I promise." Dad says and he leaves with mom.

They slam the door.

Lenore drops my phone on my bed and rushes out of my room in tears.

I call after her but she doesn't answer. She enters her room and locks the door, so I can't enter.

I can only imagine how bad she's feeling right now.


A/n: in case anybody is confused, this chapter is in Harry's POV. It's just like the last chapter, but it's in his point of view.

I am not so good in writing The POV of boys. So bear with me.

How was this? Okay, good, really good, great, bad, really bad?


Anyways, thanks for reading.

Oh, and I have a new book titled 'Unforgettable.'

Genre is ChickLit

Hope you'll like it.


Emma and Lenore Where stories live. Discover now