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You have no idea how happy I am for all the votes and comments I'm getting. I've never felt so happy. So, this chapter is dedicated to everyone reading. Ily all❤


I just stand there like a statue. I don't even care about my surroundings anymore, I'm just staring at my sister. I haven't seen her for 13 years. That's how long I've been without her. And we've been in the same city all along. Did mom do this? Did she want us to find each other in the end? There are so many questions I want to ask.

Emma is looking at me too, she looks....happy. Scared. She stands up and I notice the person who's sitting beside her. She looks like she's watching some soap opera.

Emma starts walking towards me and I do the same, but pretty soon, we're both running. Once we both get close enough, we hug. No, no. We're squeezing each other. We're both sobbing and now I don't care if I get stares from anybody. I'm just happy she's here.

She's still the same. She still looks fragile, like she could break at any minute. And I remember I was always her rock.

We both don't pull away, but we don't say  anything. We're saying everything we need through our embrace. Her hug is soothing, welcoming.

Slowly, we pull away and our faces are glistening with tears.

Everyone in the store is looking at us with such attention, I'm surprised someone isn't recording us right now.

I have no idea what to say to her and by the look on her face, she's feeling the same too

And as crazy as I can be, the first thing I say to her is "Hi."


"You're Mr Landon's adopted child?" I ask, shocked. The Landons are super rich. I never cared to look in the magazines about news concerning their family. And if I had, this reunion with my sister would have happened a long time ago.

"Yeah. Don't look at me like I'm so lucky. You don't know how life is in that house. My parents are always travelling and I kinda disowned one of my siblings yesterday." She scratches the back of her head and I can't help but smile.

"I don't even want to ask about that. I've really missed you. We've been here for 3 hours and there are still so many things I want to ask you."

She takes my hand in hers. "Me too. You have no idea how happy I am Lana got me this job. It made me get to see you. Can I come over to see you tomorrow at your house?" She asks.

Will Mom approve? Dad wouldn't even care, but mom will. Nobody ever talks about family. Well, except Harry.

"Uh, I don't know. But, we can just meet here again? I'll bring all my savings so I can actually buy something here for once." I say and laugh.

She looks at me with so much pity, I want to scream. "Don't look at me that way. I hate it."

She nods. "Still the same Lenny. Always blunt." She says and we both laugh.

"I'll pay for you tomorrow."

"You don't have to do that. I don't need your money." I feel a bit irritated, but I know it's just pride. I mean, she is my sister.

She's about to speak, but Mr Tony interrupts, "When are you guys gonna home? You've been here talking for so long." He's smiling.

Does this dude ever stop smiling?

"Well, I have to go home before Harry starts getting worried about me." I stand up from the comfy chair.

Emma stands up too. "Who's Harry?" She's winking at me.


"Oh, no. Eww. He's my brother."

"Is he cute?"

"Oh my gosh. Please don't make me gag."

She laughs so hard and Mr. Tony starts to laugh too.

"Thanks again, sir." I say and shake Mr. Tony's hand. "Yeah, and you should thank a certain banana peel too, right?"
He teases and I laugh and nod.

"What are you guys talking about?" Emma asks.

"Top secret." Mr. Tony says and I pretend to zip my lips.


"Where have you been? I was worried sick." Harry stands up and hugs me immediately I enter the house.

"Harry. I saw Emma." I start to tear up again.

"Wait. Your sister? Where? How? When?"

"Whoa. Slow down tiger. I saw her at the shop. Turns out she's working there too. I just.. I was so happy, Harry. Happier than I've been in a very long time. Maybe we can both even find our mom and live together again."

Excitement fills me as I think of me and mom and Lenny living together again. I just don't know where mom is. Since I was dropped here, nobody even talks about her.

"You want to leave me? Just because you saw your sister?" He steps back and his eyes darken in a way.

"No, no. I just.."

"But that's exactly what you said. You want to leave with her."

"Harry, look. I.."

"Save it. You should get some rest. You look tired. I'm going to bed." He says, then starts to walk up the stairs.

"Harry, wait. You know how long I've been waiting for this. 13 years, Harry. You should understand. I know we've been getting a lot closer these days. But, I just want to see where this goes with Emma. And my mom."

"Wow, Lenore. The first time I try to get close to you, you decide you want to leave mom and dad. And you want to leave me. I know I'm being selfish here, but--" he pauses, then continues, "--never mind. I won't stop you. You can do whatever you want. It's none of my business. Good night."

Then he walks up the stairs.

I'm torn.

I don't even know what to do, so I do the only thing I know how to do nowadays.

Fall down and cry until my head aches.


"Hey Rick. You need something?" I ask Rick who just entered my room.

"Uh, you look so happy. I just wanted to know why."

I smile. "I saw Lenore. You know, my twin."

"Oh. What does that mean? You're going to leave us?"

Huh. I never even thought of that. Will I even tell mom and dad?

"I have no idea, Rick."

His expression changes. "How can you not know Em? I know you're going to leave. You love her way more than you love us."

This 12 year old never ceases to amaze me. What he's saying is the truth but I don't want to accept it.

Will I leave them?

He suddenly stands up. "Good night Emma."

Uh oh. He only calls me Emma when he's really angry.

He doesn't even wait for me to talk. He just leaves.

What should I do?


A/n: Is this chapter okay?

Cos I feel like it's not.

Anyway, I'm so happy for 78 reads and 38 votes. It may not seem like much. But it's something.
Thank you for your support❤❤

Emma and Lenore Where stories live. Discover now