Bad things

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Okay so Ruby didn't tell our parents about the thing about me hating her, she didn't even tell them that I am still seeing Lenore.

As surprising as that is, I'm still not convinced. Ruby will always be Ruby. She's been that way for almost eight years. I'm still lying down on the bed, laziness taking over me. I yawn and I grimace. I can smell my morning breath and it's horrible.

After arranging my room and cleaning up, I head downstairs in some shorts and a tank top. And I play some music on my phone, and I'm sure to make it pretty loud, just to piss some body off.

"Em!! Turn that down, I have Biology tomorrow!" Rick yells from the sitting room and I chuckle and turn the volume down. If it was on another day, I wouldn't have listened to him but he's having biology. I understand his struggle.

I fix myself some toast and see a note on the fridge.

We took Ruby to see the doctor, she's feeling sick all of a sudden. Take care of Rick. We love you.

Ruby is sick? She seemed fine to me last night. I'm still sure that she's up to something, and it can't be good. I can only hope that I get out of this one alive, though.

The doorbell rings and I head to door, toast in hand, and see a certain blonde girl who I haven't talked to in two weeks. I'm such a bad best friend.

"Hey, Em!" She shouts and hugs me tightly; so tightly my toast drops to the floor and I hug her back the same way. I missed her so much, and I can only hope we forgive each other for not even communicating for so long.

She pulls away and I scan her features. She seems genuinely happy to see me, but I can see a hint of sadness behind her eyes. She wants to tell me something. I know Lana like the back of my hand. She's been my best friend for a pretty long time and I know when something is wrong.

"Lana. I've missed you so much." I say and she snorts.

"You have? I can see how much you've missed me, considering you didn't call or text for two weeks." She deadpans.

"Why didn't you call too?" I ask, looking expressionless.

"I was busy with something. You should have known that something was up Emma."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm moving."

"Um, okay? To where?"

"Paris." She murmurs.

Lana say what???

"Chill, you're relocating?!" I nearly scream, and she nods. "What did you think I meant by moving, Emma?"

"I honestly don't know. But you're moving? How? When? Why?! Why are you just telling me this now?"

She shakes her head sadly. "Dad said we need a fresh start. I'm moving after the graduation. Why? Because my dad wants to. I have no say in it. You're seriously asking why I'm just telling you? I was busy packing. My past days were either filled with me packing or sleeping because I was tired of packing. I couldn't even pick up my phone! I remembered to call you once, but I forgot because Dad insisted I do all the packing. I was waiting for you to call Emma! You didn't. Now I'm leaving in two days and you and I don't have enough time to spend together before I leave."

My face falls and I realize she's on the verge of crying. Lana doesn't cry. She's the strongest person I know. She can take any kind of pain and still laugh like she's okay. Seeing her cry is rare, which reminds me of Lenore.

I move to hug her; but she steps back. "You were with your sister, weren't you?"

"Yes. I was, Lana. Why do you have a problem with me seeing her, for heavens sake?!"

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