Ice cream brought us together

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Chapter dedicated to damzy_favz and purplishbun


"Aren't you just excited?!" Lana squeals beside me and I groan. "Gosh Lana. I told you 5 seconds ago that I was excited." I tell her and she mutters, "Sorry."

We're walking to the ice cream shop to see Mr. Tony. Since it's Tuesday, it's the best time to see him. Mom and dad will come home tomorrow and I can't wait to surprise them.

At the front of the shop, Lana and I simultaneously take deep breaths and pull the glass door open. I'm really familiar with this place, because I come here every Sunday with my family. Every time I come, there's a new memory. It's truly a wonderful place. But the first time, when mom and Lenore were with me, was and will always be the best.

Once we enter, we see Mr. Tony doing so many things. Taking orders, preparing the orders, collecting the cash, cleaning the tables. I've never seen him stop smiling, but I know he's stressed. It'll be so much fun to work with him, but the only downside is the work outfit.

I mean, who wears that?

I shouldn't complain, it'll be mine in a matter of time.

Lana holds my hand and hold hers too. Mr Tony finally spots us and he waves. We wave back and he mouths, "Give me a minute."

Lana and I sit down, and Lana starts to chew her nails.

"Lana. Are you nervous?" I ask, because the Lana I know never gets nervous. She's the most confident person I've seen. After Lenore.

"Uh, yes. This job is a big opportunity. What if Mr. Tony doesn't think we have what it takes anymore? That'll be so, so bad. Am I talking too much? I probably am. Is it suddenly so cold in here? Then why am I sweating? I.."

"Lana! Snap out of it." I interrupt her ranting and she starts to chew her nails again.

I see Mr. Tony serving a table and smiling and I start to freak out. Who doesn't stop smiling? I know he's trying to make his customers feel comfortable but he looks like a clown. Except with the red nose and the huge outfit.

He still looks busy and I don't blame him. Everyone wants to come here.

Lana crosses her arms and rubs them with her hands. I chuckle. I'm nervous too, but if I breakdown, she'll breakdown too. And if we breakdown, then we should say goodbye to our jobs forever.

The door opens for like the 10th time we entered here. I never really cared to notice but something actually pushed me to see who was coming in.

I almost fall off my chair, because I'd recognize her anywhere and because the brown haired girl who just walked in is my sister.


"Where you going?" Harry asks, while eating chips like a hungry pig.

I scrunch my nose. Will Harry ever change?

"Dude. Can you eat like a human for once in your life?"

He laughs then says, "No. Answer my question."

"Oh, I'm going to see Mr. Tony to discuss my job." I dramatically flip my hair and I know I'm trying to brag to him.

By the rolling of eyes, I know he knows I'm bragging too. "Who the hell is Mr. Tony?"

"You know McKay's Ice Cream Shop?"

His face immediately lights up. "What? The Ice cream shop that's like heaven?"

I snicker. "Uh, yeah. Mr Tony's the owner."

"Wow. That's cool. For once, I'm actually impressed with you sis." He says and I laugh, even though I should be annoyed.

"Maybe it'll help us. Mom and Dad had to sell all the cool stuff Grandpa gave us in the attic. I was so angry, until they told me it was to pay an outstanding debt." He sighs as he finishes telling me and I sit beside him on the couch.

"I hope so. Mom and Dad have been on edge lately and I don't like it. I'll do my best to help us. I promise." I say then put my head on his shoulders. He rest his own head on my head and I laugh.

"What's funny?" He asks.

"Your head is so heavy." I laugh again and hits my hand playfully.

I get up, take my worn out satchel bag then kiss Harry's forehead.

"Enough with all this mushy mushy stuff sis." He pushes me off and I giggle. Harry's so... Harry.

I'm about to leave when he says, "Hey, Lenny?"

"Huh?" I turn.

"I love you, you know that, right?"

I can literally feel my heart glow. "I love you too."

He smiles then starts to eat his chips again.

I walk outside and shut the door. Harry only says that once in a while. My parents never say so. I never hear those words enough.


Before I enter the shop, I take deep breaths, then pull the glass door open. Once I enter, I smell so much ice cream, I start to get hungry.

The only thing I ate this morning is toast and now it's 5 pm. My stomach rumbles on cue.

I look around and then something catches my attention from the corner of my eye. Someone almost falls off a chair, and I want to go help when I realize who it is.

She's been on my mind ever since we parted ways. And here she is.



A/n: Aww, Harry, right?

How was this? Ik it's not the best, but please tell me what you think.

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