Thinking about each other

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"Wake up, sleepyhead!" Ruby says, while hovering me and hitting my head. I groan, and open my sleepy eyes. "Get off of me Ruby." I say and she smiles and jumps down to the ground.

For a 7 year old, she sure knows how to get her way. "What do you want? It's a Saturday and --" I pause and look at the clock, "--it's still 8."

"Mom and Dad aren't home, they didn't come home yesterday and I'm starving. Rick is too. Make us some breakfast." She orders and I stare at her and scoff. I love her a lot, but she acts like a brat. Rick has more manners than her. He's her older brother.

"I'm not making you anything until you ask politely. You can't just order me around." I tell her and walk to the bathroom to wash my face.

And of course, she follows me and starts to throw a tantrum. "Why are you always so mean?! Do I have to beg you for everything?! And while you're in there, brush your teeth. It stinks." She says and I turn to face her.

"Ruby, it's called morning breath. And secondly, scream at me all you want. You won't get breakfast until you stop acting like a brat."

She hates that word, and she hates me calling her one. Her face turns red and I can imagine smoke coming out of her tiny ears.

She doesn't reply, she just turns on her heel and walks out.


After making breakfast for Rick and an angry Ruby thirty minutes later, I start to clear the dishes and clean the house. Mom called to say that she and Dad won't be back till Wednesday.

Great. Now I have to babysit these two rascals for 4 days.

This school year will end in 3 weeks and I can't wait to finally get a job so I won't always be home. Dad offered to give me a job in one of his companies and I declined the offer. I shouldn't depend on his money. Nothing is going to be given to me on a silver platter.

As I vacuum Ruby's room, I start to think about my sister. I'll never understand why my mom -biological mom- decided to separate us. I've tried and tried to find Lenore, but she could be anywhere in the world. I miss her, even though we were still little when we were given away. I can still remember her. I'll know her if I see her, I just need to find her.

As much as I value my family right now, I still miss my mom and my twin sister. I have no idea where they are, and that's what hurts so damn much.

"Em?" I hear Rick say from the doorway. I instantly snap out of my thoughts. "Yes, are you okay?"

"I need you to help me with an assignment. Please?" He pleads and I smile. Ruby would never say please. "Of course. When I'm done, I'll come help you, okay?" I say and he nods and murmurs a "Thank you."


"Harry! Lenore! Breakfast!" I hear mom call from downstairs. I immediately make my bed and brush my teeth before the food gets cold. I'm walking down the stairs and I almost trip on a shoe. Of course. It's Harry's. When will he ever learn how to be clean?

I see him downstairs with his shirt worn backwards and hit the shoe on his head. "Oww. What was that for?" He asks, with his mouth full. Gross.

"You're a slob. I almost fell because of your stupid shoe." I inform him and sit down.

"I bet that would have been a good sight." He says and laughs. I roll my eyes and stare at the food in front of me. Eggs and one piece of toast with a glass of water. Everyday, we eat this. It's kinda grown on me, because I have no choice.

I sigh and start to eat and within a few minutes I'm done. I thank mom and wash the dishes while Harry plays video games. That boy is lazy. I love him like he's my real brother, because he has his moments. Those moments I see rarely. Those moments that happen when I get bullied and he beats up some people. Or when I get injured.

And there are moments when I feel like strangling him. And then, I start to think about Emma. Emma, my sister. I miss her so much. I miss mom. I used to hate mom. Hate her for being so heartless. I used to think negatively. I used to hate everybody. I hated that I wasn't privileged. I hated everything. Until my parents took me for therapy sessions. And after a year and a half, I started to heal. I've become a better person. I don't ever want to go back to being that girl that used to be hateful.

Emma and I were always together when we were little. I hated when we went for play dates and people used to make her cry. Then I would start crying too. It incensed me to see her sad, now I can't even see her anymore.

I love my family, I mean they took me in, and they helped me. We aren't rich, we aren't poor. We have enough we need. I don't get fancy cars. Or anything flashy. But I'm fine with that. School ends in a month and I need to get a job, to support my family in any way that I can.

"You okay, sis?" I jump when I hear Harry's voice.

"Uh.. Yeah. Why are you asking?"

"Well, I've been in here, watching you for a while, just staring into space." He says and in order to avoid explaining what I'm thinking about to him, I change the subject.

"Whoa, creep alert. Who watches someone washing the dishes?" I say and fake a laugh.

He stares at me knowingly and I give up. "Fine. I was thinking about Emma again."

He moves closer to me but he doesn't say a word. He just pulls me into a warm hug. And these are the moments when I'm glad I have Harry.


Whooo!! New book, again.

I just hope I stay committed to this one.

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Thank you.

Emma and Lenore जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें