Ch 19 - We need to talk about the professor

Start from the beginning

The full moon emerged from behind the clouds. Remus was shaking more than ever. Two loud pops were heard, when James and Sirius transformed into their animagus forms and backed away from Remus, who slowly began growing in size, the sounds of his bones cracking could be heard, nails turning into claws, his mouth turning into a menacing smile with blade-like teeth, fur sprouting on every part of his body....


Sirius jumped up. The two dogs started sparring, then soon got into a ferocious fight, both of them snapping their jaws at each other. Sirius then let out a few barks and growls, which seemed to calm Remus. Then it dawned on Harry that the dog and wolf would be able to communicate with each other, since they were both canines. He was giving Remus instructions, who obeyed him, nodding. Sirius barked and started running along towards the forest. Harry opened his mouth to ask Sirius where he was going, but all that came out was a honk, which Sirius would not be able to understand. Surprisingly, Remus started following Sirius. Harry and James followed them.

A thin ray of sunlight streamed in through a small slit between the boarded window of the Shrieking Shack. Remus woke up, to find himself curled up against Snuffles, Prongs and Harry, who were all asleep in a great big lump. Wait, what was Harry doing here?

He screwed up his eyes tightly, trying to remember what had happened last night. They had ventured into the forest, jumping over logs, and he remembered some flashes of going round to the black lake. He remembered seeing two identical stags which confused Remus because there was only one James, but he reminded himself that Harry had joined them as well.

Speaking of Harry, Remus had an awful lot of questions about him. He was literally struck by Avada Kedavra and came back to life! How was that even possible? And why was he a Parselmouth? Was he a dark wizard? A spy for Voldemort, perhaps. And why was his animagus identical to James's? Never mind the animagus, but he even looked identical to James, except for the shape of his nose, and eyes. This Parker guy was mysterious. He somehow always knew everything about the marauders, he knew every single one of their secrets from their secret map to Remus's condition. There was something odd about the professor, and he needed to find out what.

By then, Harry had woken up.
"Urgh Sirius, wake up!" he shouted groggily.

"What?" groaned Sirius, rubbing his eyes.

"Move your ass out of my face and get up. Your body weight is killing me."

Sirius made a move to get up, but his legs were stuck in James's antlers.

"I can't, James's antlers are in the way. Deer Prongs, GET UP!" He yelled.

"What?" James said, but it came out like a honk. Frightened and confused by Sirius's loud voice, the stag tried to stand, and he jerked upright so fast, that somehow, Sirius was hurled over to the other side of the room.

"What was that for Prongs?" Sirius complained, rubbing his back, and then charged forward and elbowed James, causing him to collapse right on top of Harry, and his hoof landed on Harry's -well in his private place where the sun never shines, and his antlers cracking Harry's glasses in the process. Harry was screaming in pain, Sirius was yelling at James for being such a prat, and -

"GUYS, SHUT UP!!!" a loud deep voice bellowed, and everyone went silent.

Many seconds passed...

There was a squeaky pop, and James transformed into a human. "Bloody hell Remus, I forgot you could shout like that," he said, breathless.

"I know right?  The last time you yelled so loud was in fifth year!" said Sirius.

"Well, I even surprise myself sometimes," Remus laughed.

"Yeah, so do I," said James.

"Err, Prongs?" Sirius whispered.


"Harry looks like he's about to kill you."

James turned around, to see Harry fuming at him, His eyes were narrowed, rigid, fixed on James's. James drew in a deep breath and took a tiny step back. Blimey, Harry's death stare was scary. It looked an awful lot like Evans' death stare,  and the fact that Harry also had green eyes made it all the more frightening. Honestly,  besides the fact that Harry had glasses, his eyes were exactly like Evans's. They both had such identical eyes of the same shape and colour, that you'd think they were both related.

"Professor?" James asked timidly.

"You - you kicked me right in the - " Harry started.

"Oops, well I didn't mean to..."

"Like do you even know how much it hurts?"

"Well sorry Harry," James said, "But I didn't kick you that hard.." he trailed off.

There was a long, tense moment.

"Well, sorry to interrupt your staring competition, it's getting late and classes will be starting soon," Remus said, breaking the silence.

"Wait. Classes. Oh, Merlin, I've got the first year Ravenclaws to teach in ten minutes. I've got to hurry now!" Harry said hastily and began putting on his socks and finding his missing shoe.

"It's Thursday now, isn't it? We've got a free period, so we can chill for the next hour," said James sleepily.

"Yeah, we're gonna have a lie-in," added Sirius.

"Urgh, I hate being a teacher," Harry groaned, and made his way out of the room.

A few moments later, Remus got up to check if Harry had gone.

"Guys," Remus said seriously. "We need to talk about the professor. "

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