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pirouette: noun
a fast turn of the body on the toes or the front part of the foot, performed especially by a ballet dancer

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Rose's Point of View

I woke up to the curtains glistening in the sunlight and the faint buzz of the traffic in the Big City.

I breathed in and out, still feeling drowsy. For the past year, my routine consisted of waking up at 8, getting ready, heading to class, grabbing lunch, practising again and retiring in the evening.

I enjoyed it, I was comfortable with it.

Little did I know, that this would be my last routine day.

With heavy eyelids, I gazed out the small window of my little dorm. The dreary weather forced me to pull on leg warmers and a jacket.

The short walk to the main building had me puffing out visible air and watching out for a slippery patch on the ground.
Upon reaching, I hung my coat up before smiling at the receptionist, who was busy helping someone unfamiliar in finding their studio.

Thinking nothing of it, I made my way to the first ballet class.

The normal proceedings of tying my hair up, warming my muscles and greeting the other students occurred until our teacher, Mr. Alexander spoke up.

'Good morning boys and girls, I hope you had a good weekend. Before we start, there are a few students who've moved from our Korean branch to join us here at 'Allure'. Introduce yourselves please.' He signalled to the first girl.

I didn't pay attention to the names as I continued stretching, but it seemed like everyone else was fixated on the newbies... Or rather... Three specific newbies.

'I'm Hoseok!' said one boy with a bright smile.

'Hi, I'm Jungkook.' said another as he waved.

'Jimin.' one of them nodded, seeming slightly antisocial.

Oh, it's the boy who was at the front desk.

My eyes travelled up and down his form when his eyes caught mine from across the room in a staredown.

Breathe, Rose.


The indoor lights irradiated the light locust wood walls of the studio, the exiguous amount of sunlight doing nothing for the room.

Under one of the artificial bright lights stood Tiana, as if her honey-skin wasn't radiant enough. Her black eyes glowing like her strong self presence as she practised her penché in the mirror.

Across the room, aside the simple panelled windows stood Thomas and Mary, happily chatting, the first friends I made here at the company.

'To the centre everyone!' Mr. Alexander clapped, 'Group yourselves. Your exercise is developpé, preparation and two en dehor turns.'

I stood ready, being in the first group along with Tiana, Jungkook, Thomas and Mary.

Jungkook, whom I was getting to know seemed friendly. I couldn't help but notice his deep chestnut hair bouncing with each movement of his.

The pianist played as we executed the combination well, earning a compliment from the teacher. The second group, however, wasn't as lucky.

'Jimin, you're too hasty, you need to finish the two pirouettes precisely.'

Mr. Alexander made the group go again and I watched as Jimin lost his balance during each turn. Our teacher sighed quietly, moving on to the next exercise.

At the end of class, the students piled out of the studio, but Jimin was made to stay back and practise.

Before I could step out, I heard my name.


'Would you please help Jimin with his turns? I have a meeting with the faculty right now.' Mr. Alexander requested.

'Oh, um, sure.' I said, meekly.

Not like I have anything to do anyway.

I dropped my bag on the ground and rolled down my tights. Jimin paid me no attention, intently staring at himself in the mirror.

'All right, there's your issue,' I said, after watching him, 'You're looking everywhere. Focus on yourself in the mirror and whip your head around. You're wobbling because you're looking elsewhere.'

He tried again.

'Better.' I said quietly, moving behind him.

His chest moved up and down as he inhaled and exhaled deeply.

'Lower your frame' I corrected, gently resting my fingertips on his bicep, setting his arm right.

Wow... He is muscular.

Taking in his slight scent and our proximity into consideration, my breathing quickened. I looked up in the mirror only to see him watching me with hooded eyes and a straight face.

I cleared my throat and stepped back, continuing to give him pointers while he diligently followed- which was nice to see.

'Thank you, Rose.' he said, with a hint of a smile before I walked out.

I caught myself grinning as I headed out.

au. n.
get ready for a rollercoaster ;)

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