Chapter 25-Thalia's Grieving Day

Start from the beginning

I stayed inside the plane due to my ankle been broken with the bone sticking out of it. I shouldn't have jumped out of the tree... I thought I was invincible at the time with all of that adrenaline rushing through me. I was so excited that I could do anything that I forgot that I was human for a moment. But I've always felt like I was less. It was an almost fatal mistake. Now I'm paying dearly for it. Maybe if I didn't break my ankle, I could have went to help fight...

Guilt rushes into my heart giving me even more pain. Adding to the constant dull throb of my ankle. It was bleeding a while ago but I think it's stopped. It's now all crusty and black with it. I hope it doesn't get infected like Sarah said-...


I see Oliver look up and then stand up slowly, brushing sand off of himself.

"Yeah?" he calls back, his voice rough and crushed.

"I need help!" the voice shouts back. Then Oliver nods and walks to the right, disappearing from sight. I sigh softly and stare out at the opening of the plane seeing vast blue ocean. Somewhere... somewhere they're looking for us... I shake off all those thoughts finding it very hard to focus on one thought. Going from one to another, almost like I'm unconsciously trying to distract myself. Maybe it's the grief affecting my mind.

I force myself to remember last night. I was stuck in here because I can't stand up without help, nonetheless fight. Leigh, Levi's mom, was in here with me and Elliot. She's really nice and was good company. She's easy at making conversation, really good with Elliot, and listened to what I had to say with real interest in her eyes. Not that fake look I know everyone gave me before. Before I got fixed.

Elliot was building a sand castle at the time. I guess I remember that the clearest. He was working so hard on his sand castle... He wanted to make a war with it with rocks as the soldiers. He was setting it all up to play with Levi later on. He was so excited... The brightness and innocence in his eyes shone brighter than the sun. An unconditional love he has to offer the world. It's shocking to see how attached he's gotten to Levi and Jenny.

I asked Leigh about if we should ever tell him about his parents. She told me it would be best not to tell him yet. She said that crash landing on the island and trying to survive is traumatizing enough. When we get rescued, afterwards we should tell him. But for now, he will remain locked in his safe fantasy with his new family. She also joked that she could adopt Elliot if he doesn't have anyone else. Or at least I thought she was joking.

Leigh explained to me that when she got back to the mainland she has a couple things to do. She joked and laughed a little that she would be more than ready to stab her husband in the back for all of this. I was a little shocked, until she explained everything to me in full detail. That disgusting man. She is going to sue his pants off and destroy his name, to avenge her and Levi.

Then she's going to have enough money to sue Ayden's father, and earn custody over him again. She knows that the airline will pay Levi a lot of money to not sue their pants off so they'll use that. She'll also divorce Levi's dad and get a lot of money from that because she will win. The evidence is everywhere and she has all the proof she needs. Then, with her two sons, she'll start over in LA and live a more simple life together.

It's a great plan, I just hope she wins all the lawsuits. And that we get rescued. Then that's when the screaming started. Jenny came in, just for a moment. They ran out there and I had to hold Elliot back, my orders from Leigh. I was on the verge of tears but for Elliot I stayed strong. I reassured him that everything was going to be okay over and over again. Holding him in my lap, I rocked him back and forth whispering it to him over and over again.

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