New Beginning: Anna

Beginne am Anfang

I quickly appear behind her and send her flying into the air. The ground beneath me crumbles from the power. "No, this is just Kohryu's power!"

I jump above Akame and punish her with as many punches I can throw at her. Each blow, the ground below cracks and shatters from the force. I flip and drop-kick her in the chest. She lands, but doesn't appear to be giving up. I land neatly on the ground and push off the ground. She catches my fist, but struggles from the power of the blow. I sweep my legs, using her hand as leverage, and send her flying into the forest. Dust and wood chips fill the air as she slams into tree after tree. I feel my legs shake underneath me as my body begins to feel punished from the sudden power increase. I'll just finish this with my next move! I quickly catch up to Akame and throw my next punch. She barely dodges and the trees behind her, quickly snap and are blown away. I shake in my tracks and feel the power ebbing away.

"A fine display of power Anna." She holds her chest in pain, "Anymore and you would've gotten me."

"Really?" I look up at her in surprise, "I'm surprised myself to be honest."

"I'm sure in a real fight, you would've killed me." Akame stops walking beside me, "I hope you aren't my enemy one day."

I turn to say something, but she's already gone from the clearing I made. I look back at the destruction that I caused and look down at my hands.

"I only gave you a small amount of my power. Your body isn't ready for my full power. I had you sheathe your blades so that you wouldn't kill your friend or let your emotions take over. That's why I took the power I gave you back. In time, you'll be able to control it and take your place as this nation's ruler. I look forward to the future, Anna."

As do I, Korhyu, but what is it that you're planning?

I look up at the sky and remember that I'm supposed to go see Chelsea for my clothes tonight! I quickly make my way back to base only to see the awed faces of everyone that watched the fight.

"Your hand to hand combat could use some work!" Leone says coming up to me smiling, "But damn, you were something out there. Didn't expect the new you to be this strong! Look forward to tonight?"

"You betcha!" I smile and turn towards Ichi. She probably couldn't keep up with the fight. We were moving so fast, I didn't expect her to, "Did you learn anything?"

"Yeah," She scratches the back of her head in confusion, "I really need to train more." She quickly brightens up and grabs my hands in excitement, "I can't wait for tonight! I can show you the best places for some drinks and some cute guys...oh and an amazing place that sells luxurious daggers! I can't wait!"

She bounds off back inside. If I'm to make her an Imperial Arms, it'll have to be a dagger. That seems to be what she is comfortable with, but I'm not sure how to make one for her. I don't want to use any danger beast blood since my first experience nearly took me over. I don't want to put that pain on her. I'll think on it another day. I just need to get ready for tonight. I'm excited to have fun again.


"Are these clothes really appropriate Chelsea?" I stand in the doorway looking at her hold up a scarlet red and black skirt and a scarlet top with a gold sheen to it.

"You'll be fine!" She smiles and throws me the clothes, "Besides, you only have to wear them for one night. It won't kill you!"

"Guess you're right." I start heading back to my room.

"Where do you think you're going?" Chelsea pokes her head out, "I gotta at least see how they look on you! I need to know if I need to make any changes or not."

Akame Ga Kill: Trios RevengeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt