Natsu's funeral

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I recommend the songs above!

I killed off Natsu in multiple shots (Sorry), so I decided to make a funeral for him. This funeral can be a "Part 2" to many shots, like, 'Eternal Fire' or 'The Letter'. Enjoy!

Mood: Pure Sad


The rain poured like crazy that day. Not just because of Juvia's sadness. The clouds, the Earth, the whole world seemed like it was in a bad mood. It was natural. A big hero, a good friend, a husband, a father and I could go on until sunset, was buried in the ground forever.

Many, many people gathered in the graveyard. Friends, saved ones, fans and family members were seen in complete black everywhere. People who passed by the graveyard got sad as well when they saw the picture of the dead one. That day, September 10th, was the saddest day of not only Fairy Tail, or Magnolia but to the while Fiore too. 

Papers' front writing were about him, TV's interrupted the programme to inform the people. The pink bag of happiness and energy died days ago. 

The people who loved him in a way or another, stood before his grave. He was already placed under the eternal blanket.

Here lies Natsu Fullbuster

Lived 46 years

"The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason  why you held on so long"




After almost an hour, people started leaving. Only the closest people who loved him the most stayed. Then, they left to do things before the death dinner ((In my country we name these like that! When the family sits together and eats, talking about the dead one and stuff.)) Only two people stayed in the still raining graveyard. Gray Fullbuster and his son, Ryan Fullbuster. Gray still couldn't believe his eyes.

'Natsu can't be dead! There is no reason he would die!' Gray thought, sniffing. Finally, Ryan left too to welcome the guests to the death dinner. Gray was left alone with his husband, in the rain. His hand let go of the black umbrella, and it fell on the ground beside him. He cried harder as he fell on his knees and hugged the gravestone, hugging it so tight it almost broke.

His smoking was soaking wet, but he didn't care. "Natsu...Natsu..." He said in a cracking voice. His eyes couldn't cry any more tears out. His tears all poured out, so he silently sobbed. "Please...I know it's impossible...but say it's just a prank...or a dream...please...I can't live without you, made my ice cold heart melt...Please...Please...!" His voice got louder and louder. People who passed by got a sad and tearing feeling in their chests' from the scene. A man, hugging a gravestone and crying rather loudly. But no one blamed him.

He watched as his husband died. And he has to live on without his soulmate. "Dad...the dinner almost starts..." Ryan said, softly, his voice is full of sadness. When he got no reaction, he decided to left his father to get all his sorrow out. He slowly walked away, feeling his legs like pounds. (Or Kilograms) Gray's cries calmed as his tears emptied and he felt his heart being stabbed every second while squeezed so tight, he could barely breathe or feel his heart pounding. 

Suddenly, a hand was placed on his shoulder. "Please.. leave me alone for a little, Ryan..." Gray said. When a familiar voice answered, his voice full of warmth and kindness. "Don't cry, Gray...It wasn't your fault. Besides, A beautiful ice princess like you shouldn't cry" The voice giggled a bit. Gray's head shot up as he turned around fast. There stood Natsu, smiling warmly. His body was bright like the sun, his smile could cure cancer. "'re really here...You didn't die after all..." Gray said, standing up.

"Well, not really. I'm dead. I just got back to say goodbye. Last time we met, I wasn't able to say it. So, Gray. I love you and Ryan so much. Don't forget that. And don't be sad about me too long. Sorrow only gives birth to sadness. Sadness turns into weakness. Don't be weak because of me. Gray. Goodbye. See you again when you die" Natsu smiled as he kissed Gray's cheek. His lips were ice cold, unlike when he was alive. Gray teared up once again as he hugged tight Ghost Natsu.

"I love you too, Natsu. I'll miss you so much. Goodbye. See ya again, at afterlife" He said, sobbing in Natsu's hair. Natsu pulled away, smiled and vanished. Gray's legs went weak once again, he fell to his knees and sobbed harder. "I'll love you...*hic* as long as I live *sob* Natsu" He said. His forehead met with the cold ground as he sobbed harder. "Natsu..." He said and hiccupped hard.

His sunshine turned to night time.        His light......went off.-----


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