Forbidden Magic: Flames of the Eternal Fire!

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This is a short one, sorry about it. 


This opponent was super strong. Way too strong. Team Natsu was fighting but it seemed that they'll lose. But they can't allow that. If Team Natsu fails now, the world will fall in darkness. Natsu knew this really well. He was the last one standing against the villain. Lucy, Erza and Juvia were brought down as well as Gajeel. All the 4 of them was out cold. Gray was on the ground, barely conscious. He used up all of his magic power and only could watch Natsu fight alone. 

But Natsu planned to end this fight fast. With a victory. But he knew for this, he'll need something to exchange. He put something on the line. After 5 minutes, he turned to Gray and smiled sadly. He said "I know I promised to never use this, but now, the situation talks otherwise. I'm sorry Gray" At first, Gray was confused. Then, it snapped in. "Natsu! No, don't do that! It's not Forbidden for just fun! Please Stop! We lost, admit it! We'll win next time!" Gray shouted in fear.

"There will be no 'Next time' if we don't win now..." Natsu said seriously. "I'm sorry Gray. I need to use this." Natsu placed his feet beside each other. He stood still, his head dropped. He put his hands together as if he'll pray. "Natsu! No! Please Stop! If you do that spell, you'll---" 

"Die. I know." Natsu cut off Gray. "Please, Natsu...I can't live without you... Don't do it..." Gray was now crying. "Gray... manage for me, okay? Don't come after me. Live on for me. Today, in minutes, I'll make peace for once and for all. Please make the peace remain." Natsu said. He looked back at Gray for the last time. Gray cried hard on the ground.

"Gray... I Love You... I make peace for you... Please live in it as long as God doesn't call you" "I promise I will..." Gray said, fighting the tears. "See you in heaven... Ice Princess" Natsu smiled and turned to the villain. "Forbidden magic: Flames of the Eternal Fire!" As he said that,  5 giant Fire- magic circle appeared in the sky. One bigger than the other. Then, a light flashed to the Earth where Natsu stood. It made Natsu's body turn into flames. When he was fully fire, only his left eye remained. With his eye, he looked at the villain and said:  "Kieru honō!" (Disappearing Flames!) And he vanished, along with the villain. The only thing that remained of him was a piece of his scarf and a Fire symbol made of gold.

The surroundings got quiet. The only that was hearable a man's cries. As Gray slowly slipped to Natsu's remainings, he sobbed, hiccupped and cried hard and loud. When he reached the 2 objects, he Yelled at the top of his lungs: "Natsuuuuu!!!" Before passing out.


I know, it was short, sorry. I had an idea and I don't want to drag it longer with a funeral or something.

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