"Who the hell do you think you are just coming right into my house? Get the fuck out of here!" You yelled out as you stood up, nearly tripping on the table behind you.

Chen vaulted over the couch as a quick route to you, "Babe, if I don't even take orders from my boss, you think I'm gonna take orders from you?" He grabbed you by your wrist but you tried to fight back. You started screaming as you realized Joshua may be able to hear you. Chen attempted to cover your mouth, though he could never stop your shrieking.

"What's happ-" The door flew open to reveal Joshua, but he paused as soon as he saw his rival. In second's notice he dashed over and tore Chen off of you, causing you to fall onto the couch once again. However, the two men fell onto your table, making it crash down to the floor in splinters.

"Oh, Hong, this could've so much easier if you just gave up all those years a go!" Chen spat as he rolled over top of Joshua, showing that the latter was powerless in this moment.

Joshua looked as if he was about to respond to Chen's comment, but that was interrupted by a harsh punch in the jaw.

"Stop this! I already told you to get the hell out of my house! I swear I- I'll call the police!" You grabbed Chen's arm and started pulling him back, but to no avail. He was much stronger than you, and he only laughed at your threat.

You watched his free hand reach down into one of his pockets, and bring out a steel object. "You'll need much more than the police if you're after a psychopath, babe." He quickly jabbed his other arm out of your grasp and grabbed onto Joshua neck. The hand with the object also came into view, revealing that it was an actual knife. Chen didn't seem like the type of guy to hesitate, so you decided you wouldn't either.

Diving into Chen threw him off balance, but you definitely couldn't keep him down. Joshua slowly stood up, looking like he was in terrible shape. You knew you had to do this for him. Forcing all of your might onto Chen made your adrenaline rush, as you pushed him further from Joshua, and closer to the door.

"[Y/N]! You're going to get hurt, back away now!" Joshua yelled from behind you. You wouldn't listen though, you need to have him safe.

You prepared your mind for one last push, but it never came. Your whole body just froze, feeling as if it were going numb. The sounds of screams rang around you, but no words were being formed in your mind. Your vision was a blur, and the last thing you could see was Chen hurrying out of the door next to you. After that, you saw red. Then nothing.

...Joshua's POV...

The day I was having is absolutely horrendous. Today was my fifth anniversary with an angel, and the third anniversary of when they truly became an angel.

I've searched everyday for three years to find the man that did it, but it seemed he was better at hiding than we were. However, we had a direct deal with EXO today, where Seungcheol planned to end our long-running feud. I had something else in plan.

Sure, it'll jeopardize my job and comrades if I go rogue, but the taste of revenge was much more important.

"Alright boys, get all of your angsty shit out of you now. We need this ally to make sure no one will bother us anymore." Seungcheol glared at everyone as he stopped the car in front of the meeting place. Everyone emotionlessly nodded their heads and exited one by one. Thankfully, I ended up being last out so I could easily check my pockets for all of my supplies.

Just as I was tucking my knife in, someone tapped my shoulder. "Josh, you've been acting strange lately. You always went ahead for the gang, but now you're just desolate. Is it because of... you know?"

I shot them a disgusted glare before I had realized it was Vernon. He looked taken back from the rude gesture I made.

"Sorry, yeah, I'm just on edge." I said while trying to push him back out of the car. And since he's such a great friend, he pulled me out with him.

"It's been three years man, just let it go! Maybe he's changed." Of course, Vernon wouldn't understand how different my life became 1,095 days a go. I just nodded along with his words and continued ahead of him, determined to find my target.

Seungcheol was waiting at the door and telling us all what to do in the mean time, "I'm going to speak with Baekhyun and Suho. If they don't let all of you in, just don't get yourselves into some dumb shit. Okay?" There were signs of agreement everywhere, but I couldn't help but say no promises under my breath. I had to be truthful, okay?

The door opened to reveal the biggest man of EXO, Park Chanyeol, with wide eyes. "Holy shit, we did not expect thirteen of you to show up!" Even if it was unexpected, he still welcomed us all inside. He was oddly happy.

The only people escorted to Baekhyun and Suho were Seungcheol, Soonyoung, and Jihoon. The rest of us waited around their building with a few members of EXO, but Chen was nowhere to be found. I even went as far to ask Xiumin where his colleague was, yet he had no idea either.

I had excused myself to the bathroom after also receiving directions from Xiumin as to where it is. At this point I was just ready to give up. Clearly he was as good as hiding as I thought, even in close quarters.

When I pushed the door forward, it opened a bit but immediately closed again.

"Well, that's peculiar..." I thought out loud.

I felt a presence walk up from behind me which instinctively caused me to reach for the blade in my pocket.

"Are you alright man?" The presence spoke, but I recognized it as Mingyu. I turned around and gave him a smile while shaking my head side to side. He just nodded and went to open the bathroom door, quickly becoming confused after the same ominous thing happened to him.

"I suppose this is why you were talking to the door. No problem, we can just kick it down!" Mingyu said with a mischievous smile. I guess he wasn't really keen on following Seungcheol's orders of playing nice either.

It wasn't a very strong door, because it fell off the hinges after Mingyu threw himself onto it once. Someone shouted "fuck" loudly as the door fell as well, and it wasn't Mingyu.

Mingyu's eyes grew wider than Chanyeol's once he saw the person he had apparently crushed, "Oh my God, Joshua, it's the asshole!" I knew exactly who it was when he said that. Mingyu basically cornered him in, so I had the perfect chance right now.

"Chen, did you actually think you'd be able to hide from me for that long?" I smirked as I walked through the doorway, and stared at the powerless man, straight in his eyes.

"Aw, shit, this is gonna be good. He's gonna go berserk!" A smirk also grew on Mingyu's face as he saw this side of me. Honestly, I'm surprised I had this side.

Chen was trying to form some type of words as I slowly pulled the knife out of my pocket. I moved in closer and knelt down, putting the sharp steel close to his heart. "You'll need to speak much more clearly if you're dealing with a psychopath, babe."

All that came out of Chen's mouth was the sound of a W before he was forced to stop functioning. I made sure that all he saw was red.

Mafia ¦¦ Seventeenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें