Because of Your Arrogance

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       But Sue hardly noticed her, he had his own beauty. His own princess. However, the royal family didn't know this, and even if they did know his heart went out to someone else, they'd assume he'd give that girl up to date a princess. The queen leaned over to her husband next to her, his bulk filling the space of his throne and his trimmed beard as dark green as an avocado, and whispered in his ear with one dainty hand cupping her mouth. His hard, deep-set, intimidating blood red eyes looked at her, at Emerald, then at Sue. He raised his eyebrow contemplatively, lips pressed together under his mustache as he sized up the boy. As far as looks went he was rich in those too, he appeared to be quite fortunate in his intellect, and evidently to had a common hobby he was amazing at.

       The king, Lukas, nodded at the queen, gently stroking his beard. She smiled and gave the princess the good news, and the girl couldn't contain her excitement. She began squealing and thanking her father profusely, the guests around them flashing confused looks before dismissing the random spectacle. The king suppressed a smile and chuckle of joy at seeing his little girl so happy. At least this boy came from a wealthy and popular family. If he were a peasant, then he'd have an issue, but he wasn't, and looked like a perfect fit for the girl. A gentleman, from what he'd seen. The man watched the chess games but his mind wandered off to daydreams of his daughter's glorious wedding, with young unsuspecting Sue as her loving groom. 

         The party ended soon after that, with only a few groups lingering in the high-ceiling rooms with glasses of exquisite wine and most parting for home with formal farewells. Sue was waiting in the foyer to leave as well, sitting on a velvety-cushioned settee next to Dorothy as their father talked with King Lukas not too far away. She had her arm hooked around his, a beam on her face. "You were great today, Sue!" She gushed for the thousandth time. "I'm glad I have someone so talented like you." 

         "I could say the same." Sue replied a little distractedly, watching as Maria and Queen Helena joined the two men in their quiet discussion. What could they be talking about, he wondered? "You're talented in your artwork, Dorothy. One day you'll make a magnificent painter." Curiosity tugged at him even more as and over-enthusiastic Princess Emerald appeared at the top of the grand stairwell and began rushing down to meet the four, hands lifting up the skirt of her dress so she wouldn't trip over it.

         "You're really handsome today, too." Dorothy whispered in his ear, a gloved hand hiding her mouth. Her voice tickled his ear, and for a second he forgot about his parents and the royal family to stare at her bashfully. His grin seemed sheepish as he rubbed the back of his head. Just as he was thanking her for the compliment, she edged her lips closer to his in a mesmerized state, eyes lidded halfway. He placed a palm against her chest and quickly glanced around, searching for any prying eyes, and slumped with relief as he found none. He gave her a stern look, he always hated when she risked their secret being outed with her compulsive behavior.

       Dorothy tittered, clapping her hands over her mouth. "Sorry!" She squeaked out, sounding more amused and giddy than anything. "It's just, you always look so cute when you get all shy like that. I've never seen you get bashful at anyone else's praise before." She leaned her head back against the settee, resting it over her hand, as she smiled at him.

        Sue was about to answer that this was true, but was interrupted by his father calling his name. He excused himself to Dorothy, stood up, and began striding over to them. Dorothy got up and prepared herself to follow him, but her mother shook her head at her, saying she wasn't allowed in the conversation. This disheartened her. She hated being excluded like that. But she shrugged it off and sat down again, knowing Sue would tell her as soon as he could. When the boy approached the four, he noticed the way the princess was ogling him. His parents looked excited, the king and queen mildly content.

H&S: Story Of Dorothy OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora