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   Once upon a time, in a kingdom of an otherworldly realm, there was a lovely demon princess who was isolated from the rest of her magical world, which was full of much evil too. Just like our plane of existence. Upon her twelfth birthday, she wished to venture outside her kingdom and explore, and the King couldn't ignore the lovely princess’s request. This was especially because she agreed to play in the world of the humans, which was known to have lesser evil than their own.

   So he let her go, but not before setting up a curfew that would bring dire consequences if not followed: she was to return by sunset, otherwise her memories would be erased and she’d be banished from her kingdom. He did not want her gathering the courage to run away forever and chase her silly dreams of being a royal explorer; so setting this curse so as not to make his warning a wrongful lie would hopefully scare her into behaving. He did not think in the slightest that she would disobey him and doubt his words.

      The princess had so much fun outside the palace and away from home, interacting with the wonders of nature, that she completely forgot this condition. Come sunset, she wasn't allowed entry back into the kingdom and she lost all memory of who she was, what she was doing, and her past. She stumbled through the woods in a daze for longer than she should have, confused, lost, and lonely, before collapsing with her exhaustion and hunger. She awoke in a cabin, where a handsome human boy had nursed her back to great health.

      The two became good friends, then eventually lovers. When they came of age, he asked for her hand in marriage, and once she accepted, the former demon princess and the kind-hearted human boy became a lawfully wedded couple during a private ceremony; for they wanted no outsiders to gossip of the girl’s visual peculiarities. But as time passed, and life seemed perfect, the former princess mysteriously received a lavished letter telling her of her father’s deathly ailment. The memories were returned to her, and it was her priority to visit the kingdom once more and leave behind her husband.

     Arguments ensued, tears were shed and hearts broken. The beautiful young demoness wouldn't let him know of her heritage or anything of her past, and she left him behind with a swollen belly where their infant grew. The young princess was soon turned into the rightful queen of her kingdom, once the King died. Not long after, her daughter, Priscilla, was born, and ten years later, an unexpected visitor arrived using the mystical power needed within a jeweled amulet.

       The husband, having fortunately acquainted himself with someone who knew of the demon realm and how to get there, had came after a long road of hardships to win back his love. The Queen couldn't just leave so abruptly and irresponsibly, as much as she wanted him to sweep her off her feet and away from her duties she knew she couldn't just abandon her post. So, after some time of bonding and catching up, she sent little Priscilla with him to ‘ground,’ what they called the human world. Her husband couldn't stay for long, as it was strictly prohibited by law.

      The Queen sent a royal, mystical carriage to deliver her family to the human world. But that would soon prove to be a fatal mistake.


   “Do you like it?” His voice was deep but soft spoken, allowing the ten-year-old to picture a friendly lion inside her head. His hand was big and strong, but it held hers gently and with care. It almost felt like real, actual warmth radiated from his perfectly-curved smile that always sprouted blossoms of joy inside her belly when shined down on her.

        Princess Priscilla stood in the doorway of a log cabin next to her father, Terrence Phillips, who held her luggage in his right hand. The carriage had long since departed, and the cozy hand-built structure was surrounded on all sides by the serene forest. The sky was a pale azure, wispy thin clouds too timid and rare to band together and blot out the blinding orb of fire far above. Sunlight cascaded down through thick green foliages like beacons of Heaven itself, small creatures skittered up tree trunks and through bushes. There was a narrow dirt trail that lead up to the four front steps, bathed with cool shade provided by the dense thicket, serving as protection from the summer heat. Birds fluttered from branch to branch, snakes slithered unseen along the ground, and woodpeckers noisily drilled away as squirrels scampered about with acorns in their maws.

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