Chapter 32 - Finally free

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"Sakura!" she heard Itachi's voice in the hallway. Blood was dripping from the tip of her katana.

Drop. Drop. Drop.

The only sound that could be heard in the silent room were the two guy's whimpers. They couldn't scream or talk anymore thank's to their busy mouths. Sakura's eyes were closed and her head was raised towards the ceiling, absorbing their sufferince. It was... Calming. Her vengeance was so sweet and satisfying...

Itachi slammed the door open and shivered at the gore image in front of him. Tears were soaking their faces and the blood was dipping from the corners of their mouths. Sakura opened her eyes looking innocently at her mildly scared husband.

The older Uchiha cleared his throat and mived his eyes to hers while the guys were sending him silent pleas.

"Naruto and Kakashi found him. Shall we go?"

Sakura nodded absently. Images of his cruel face haunted her even to this day. How he always was beating her after coming home drunk late at night, how he sold her like a piece of meat, how ge forced her to be a prostitute for survival. Every single minute of pain came back stronger. All those experiments he made on her, the poisons he tested on her. She could still feel her organs burning from the inside and she could hear her own screams, pleading him to stop. She remembered how he tossed her like garbage in her weakest state and ordering his most loyal dogs to take advantage of her.

The pinkette exited the room and felt the hallway spinning with her. She felt like throwing up and tried to find support on the wall. Sweat formed on her face, sparkling in the dim light.

"Cherry blossom?" Itachi stopped when he felt her presence no more. He looked over his shoulder at a trembling Sakura who could barely stand on her legs. He could hear the echo of her heavy breathing.

"Sa... ra..." his voice was barely audible to her ears. It was like an echo in the back of her mind. Her vision blurred and she felt her legs go limp.

Itachi rushed to her side, catching her.

"Hey, Sakura... Are you alright?" his worried eyes were watching her pale face. She trembled. The hallway turned cold. Her eyelids were half closed and her throat sore. She slowly raised her hands in front of her eyes but it was blurry.

"What have I became?" she asked in her shaky voice, almost crying.

Itachi tucked  strand of pink hair behind her ear. "Shh. It's alright. You're doing the right thing."

"I-I don't want to... I'm afraid. So much blood on my hands." she whispered the last part, sobbing.

"I will do it!" he brought her closer and let her head rest on his chest. She ingaled deeply his scent, calming down. "I promised that I will protect you..." he whispered to himself, closing his eyes shut while rocking her like a baby.

She sqeezed his hand and got up slowly, letting his weight on him. With small steps, they took right where the others were waiting for them. Kizashi was standing on his knees with his head down. The ANBUs stepped aside on each side of the hallway, allowing the Uchiha couple to get closer. Naruto and Kakashi were standing beside the man, each having a hand on his shoulder, keeping him down. They threw worried looks towards Sakura who was struggling to walk. All the trauma weakened her.

"Kizashi Haruno." the man raised his head, looking at the stern voice of the Hokage. "You are accused of numerous felonies against Konohagakure such as kidnapping, torturing, raping, domestic violence, death threats, attempt of assasination of the Hokage and an entire clan... Do you have anything to say? Your last words?"

His spiteful eyes moved towards his daughter, watching her with hatred. She shivered under his gaze.

" Yes... " Sakura moved half of her body behind Itachi, trembling in fear. He narrowed his eyes at Kizashi." You are a traitor for your own clan. For your mother. She carried you for nine months and this is how you thank her... By ravaging her criminal!" he spit the last part. The anger was flowing withing his body.

"Oi!" Naruto shouted towards him frustrated. Kakashi placed a hand of his shoulder to calm him down.

Kizashi let out a maniacally laugh. "He took advantage of your pain and-"

"And you didn't?" she made the courage to talk, stepping from the body that offered her shelter. Pain was present in her eyes but she kept her confidence. "Tell me... Father..." she pronounced the last word with hatred "... Are you sure you don't reflect your faults on him? To go on the other side clean? As far as I know, you are the one who abused me, sold me, beat me... I had to come and bring you home when you were drowning in your vomit and piss on the side of the road." she took a step forward." You don't know the reason he did what he did. It was to protect me. Because mom asked him to. She cared about me, unlike you. So you have no right to make me feel guilty." she clentched her trembling fists while her tears were flowing on her face like a waterfall. Kizashi gulped. "But what I enjoy now is that she will never forgive you and you will rot in hell." she spit with hatred. "You are a plague behind the mask of a man. You are worthless." she laughed bitterly. He trembled sightly. He would never have guessed that she could turn so deadly. "You don't even deserve a funeral. Your body will be eaten by rats in this hole. But you know what? Not dead... No, no, father... That would be too easy."

She turned towards Itachi who handed her his sword. Everyone was watching in awe the strong will of the kunoichi. Itachi smiled proudly.

Sakura pointed the sword at him while Naruto was holding his hands tight at his back. He struggled to free himself but it was futile, the Kyuubi was too strong. The ANBUs smirked behind their masks.

She pushed the sword in different parts of his body. Starting with arms, then she moved to his legs. His screams of pain echoed through the hallway. But he wasn't pleading. He won't. He knew very well what he did and he didn't regret it. He had one shot and he missed.

Sakura cut every tendon in his limbs, making him unable to move. He was bleeding heavily so she bent down, placing a small hand on the wounds that were creating  pool of blood. No, he won't die of blood loss. Too easy.

Green chakra started flowing from her hands, healing the surface of his skin and stopping the bleeding.

Once she was done, Naruto tossed his limp and conscious body on the floor.

"Now you can't move." the pinkette towered above him. "Enjoy the rest of your days!" she threw him a deadly glare before turning on her heels and started heading for the exit. His cries of realization was the last thing she heard in that hole.

Once she was out, she inhaled dewply the fresh air, closing her eyes.

Mom, I'm finally free.

"Are you alright?" Itachi asked from behind her, worriedly while the others were behind him. She opened her eyes, smling brightly at her lover. He gasped. Those emerald eyes were sparkling like never before. She was... Herself again.

"Yes. Now I have you, and the kids. All my pain is finally over and... We can finally be happy."

He returned her smile and gave her a peck on the lips knowing that she was right. He was ready to embrace happiness with her. For eternity.

The end.

Love for Sale (ItaSaku) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें