Chapter 15 - The world shall know pain

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"She taught me all about real sacrifice. That it should be done from love... That it should be done from necessity, not without exhausting all other options. That it should be done for people who need your strength because they don't have enough of their own." - Veronica Roth, Allegiant

Outside the walls of the peaceful Konoha, a group of five men and a woman wearing black cloaks with red clouds on it arrived.

"This world shall know pain."


Sakura was buying some groceries. She told Itachi that she will be back fast and she didn't need the ANBUs for such a short trip. Shisui already tried his genjutsu that controls the thoughts and actions of a man without him realizing it on the Uchihas. They didn't know if it worked properly but they were positive.

She got out of the store when suddenly, there was an explosion. People started running to the opposite direction and screaming. They all bumped into her in their way, making her drop the bag of red apples. A thick grey smoke was raising and she felt like she couldn't breath.

In the panicked crowd, a child, no more than four, fell down and people nearly ran over him. He was scared and shouting for his mother but she was nowhere to be seen. Nobody cared to help him. They only cared about their own safety. Sakura inhaled and ran towards him, pushing people from her way.

She bent down and looked at him, offering a hand and a warm smile.

"Hey, don't be scared. Let's go find your mother together."

The tears in his eyes blurred his vision but he could hear the kindness in her voice. He hesitantly took her hand and got up. The path was already cleared and they could go the the safe zone without people pushing them.

But before they could move, a giant rock was flying towards them at a high speed. Her eyes widened in fear and her body froze. They couldn't dodge it. She did the only thing that she could: hugged the little boy as a form of protection. Of course, she knew it was useless but it was an instinct to protect the most vulnerable ones.

She closed her eyes waiting for it to end, the little boy burring his head in her stomach.

A weird sound like a thousad birds was heard followed by a boom. They both opened their eyes. The first thing that she noticed were some strands of black long hair raising in the air because of the chakra. She gasped. He used his chidori at a higher level to break the rock and it looks like he just made it in time. Two ANBU's arrived near him.

"Take them to the safe zone." he said in his demanding voice, not turning his head towards her.

"Yes, Lord Hokage!" they both said in unison, grabbing each of their arms. His back was still turned to them, not daring to look her in the eyes. He knew what was happening and he was afraid that it won't end good for him. Akatsuki were here for the Kyuubi.

"Wait! Itachi!" her worried voice almost begged.

He turned his concerned eyes towards her. Her worried green orbs were watching him, her lower lip trembling. Deep down, she knew what was next. It was his duty to give his life for the village and she had a bad feeling that this was a serious situation.

He turned to her, grabbing both of her cheeks and pulling her into a meaningful kiss that held so much sorrow. He was afraid that this was a goodbye. After they pulled apart, he looked into her eyes and put a hand on her belly.

"Please, take care of them..." he whispered trying to hold his tears. She just nodded, tears already falling on her pink cheeks.

He disappeared in seconds. The village needed him.

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