Chapter 7 - Amnesia

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"Every time you go in, it's like starting over. You don't know how you did the other records. You're learning all over. It's some weird musician amnesia, or maybe the road wipes it out." - Beck

The day has just started. After the little incident from the bedroom, Itachi offered to make breakfast even though Sakura insisted that she wanted to do it. It wasn't awkward like they thought. Instead, the atmosphere had a sudden change, everyone was cheerful.

After the breakfast, Itachi offered to take her shopping to buy what she needs. He didn't quite know what a girl needs or how much and there were things that she should buy herself. Outside was still gloomy and it rained. They both fit under an umbrella but being so close, with their shoulders brushing against each other made Sakura blush. For the first time in many years she felt happy.

Itachi noticed a jewelry shop which had a necklace with small pink flowers on it. He observed that it was made from white gold. It was like they made it special for her, he thought. It matched her hair and it would make her eyes look even brighter.

"I have to go and buy something. You can continue shopping, I'll find you soon." he told her, going towards the shop entrance. She nodded.

Sakura saw a beautiful dark blue yukata in one of the shops windows. It reminded her of Itachi... Dark colours, just like the mask he was trying to put on. Maybe he will like that on her. She blushed at her own thoughts. Since when did she care about if a man finds her or not appealing?

"Since you met him!" her inner shouted. She started to giggle.

She was about to enter the shop when she was brutally thrown against the brick wall.

"The thief!" a woman shouted.

Her head made contact with the hard stones making her black out instantly. Her body fell on the ground, in the mud, making her clothes dirty. A strain of blood remained on the wall where she hit her head.

Itachi got out of the shop with a paper bag in his hand. He thought about giving it to her on a special ocasion and he knew perfectly when.

He looked around and saw Sakura's body on the ground. His eyes widened in panick and a shot of adrenaline went from his every nerve to his brain. He rushed to her side shaking her, trying to wake her up but it was useless.

"Sakura, come on!" he gritted his teeth.

He noticed the strain of blood and his body started to tremble. He picked her up bridal style and started jumping over buildings and running towards the hospital.

"Come on, don't you dare to die on me. Hold on." he whispered the two last words feeling the corners of his eyes itching. It was the first time in many years when he was about to cry. He slammed the doors of the hospital open and rushed inside.

"A doctor! I need a doctor!" he shouted.

A blonde doctor with long blonde hair and blue eyes, which he knew her name was Ino, rushed to him followed by another woman with a wheelchair. He put her in the wheelchair, carefully not to damage her further, and and they took her to another room.

It's been an hour and he was still waiting. He sat on the corridor on one of the blue chairs, in front of the room, rubbing his temples. A teenager girl snuck glances at him giggling. He was used to it everytime he was in public but right now, it got on his nerves. He exhaled, trying to calm himself down.

"Stay sane for Sakura. She needs you." he tried to tell himself.

The door opened and Ino came out of the room, her face worried. Itachi almost jumped out of his chair.

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